Categories: Diseases & Conditions

The Effects of Low Testosterone Levels in Men

It is normal and typical for testosterone levels to decrease in men as they grow older. After the age of forty, a decrease of approximately .3% annually is common. Testosterone levels between 250 and 800 nanograms per deciliter of blood are considered to be within the normal range. Men often experience fluctuations in their own level of testosterone seasonally or even daily. Exercise levels have also been shown to cause measurable changes. Approximately 20% of men above age sixty have levels that consistently fall below this normal range.

Certain studies suggest that men aged fifty or older with lower than normal testosterone are 33% more likely to die than their counterparts with normal levels. The studies took into consideration age, lifestyle, and their overall physical fitness level.

Metabolic syndrome was among the primary risk factors associated with low testosterone levels in men participating in these studies. Metabolic syndrome is a collection of ailments, including high blood pressure, high blood sugar, poor cholesterol levels and fat concentrated around the abdomen area. All of these factors increase the likelihood that these men will, at some point, suffer from heart disease and diabetes.

While the studies do not prove with absolute certainty that low testosterone causes these problems, it did indicate that there is a likely association between low levels and decreased lifespan. A drop in testosterone has also been linked to decreases in muscle mass, libido and energy and increases in body fat and generalized irritability.

It is important to note, however, that medical professionals do not want these findings to suggest that men suffering from low testosterone levels should immediate engage in testosterone replacement therapy. This therapy can potentially cause an entirely different set of health problems for men.

The number of testosterone replacement therapy patients tripled between 2000 and 2003. Men concerned with the effects of aging seem anxious to attempt to slow the process by participating in this treatment program. In spite of a lack of scientific information concerning side effects, more than 3 million prescriptions were filled in 2006.

The many benefits associated with testosterone replacement therapy include improved muscle mass, increased bone density, higher energy levels, higher cognitive function and decreased irritability and depression. However, these benefits do not tell the complete story.

There are numerous potential risks ranging from those causing discomfort or inconvenience to those that are considered life altering or life threatening. These include skin reactions, increased fluid retention, sleep apnea, prostate growth and urinary problems, worsening of both prostate and breast cancer if either is already present, testicular atrophy and infertility.

The most serious of these is certainly the problems testosterone replacement therapy can cause concerning prostate or breast cancer. The therapy has been linked to causing breast cancer in men and hastening the progress of prostate cancer when it already exists. It is noteworthy that prostate cancer in aging men is very common and often undiagnosed during its earlier stages.

While low testosterone levels do pose a potential threat to the well being and health of men over sixty, the treatment is not as simple as proponents of testosterone replacement therapy might suggest. Talk with your doctor about your options and certainly weigh the advantages and disadvantages of each carefully. It is important to work with your doctor closely throughout your treatment plan and notify him of any physical changes you may be experiencing.

Karla News

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