Categories: Television

The Curse of the TV Show Killer

There are many deadly animals, creatures, and monsters in the world today. Perhaps the most deadly of them all is a beast that resides in the television industry: the show killer.

Over the past several years there have been many actors and actresses that have been dubbed show killers. A show killer is basically someone who bounces from television show to television show because each one gets canceled. A show killer is basically television’s version of kryptonite. Here are some of the deadly show killers you should watch out for.

Jason Gedrick
Many people think of Jason Gedrick as the king of show killers. Not familiar with his name? That’s probably because all of his shows get canceled before he becomes a household name. Jason Gedrick has been on shows such as “Class of ’96”, “Sweet Justice”, “Murder One” and “Falcone”, just to name a few, and there are many more.

Paula Marshall
If Jason Gedrick is the king of show killers then his queen is Paula Marshall. Gedrick at least had three shows hit the 20 episode mark before being axed but Paula Marshall can’t even get that far. Paula Marshall’s show killing career started with Wild Oats, which only lasted 4 episodes. The next actually hit 10 episodes, the next 14, then 10, 15, 13, and 14. If Paula Marshall ever makes it through a full season it will be a miracle.

Eric Balfour
Some show killers are actors that for whatever reason directors really like, but the audience never seems to be interested in them. Eric Balfour is probably best known for guest appearances on the O. C., Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Six Feet Under because the shows he has starred in, like Hawaii and Sex and Love and Secrets have all bombed. This past season 24 had its worst season with reoccurring actor Eric Balfour. Coincidence? I don’t think so.

Dabney Coleman
Dabney Coleman has been in some movies throughout the years but his television career has not been as successful. In fact, Dabney Coleman probably deserves the longetivity award among show killers. Dabney Coleman has killed a show in the 70s, Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman, the 80s, Buffalo Bill, and the 90s, The Guardian.

Chyler Leigh
Chyler Leigh is the name that pains me the most because I actually think she’s been pretty good in what I’ve seen her in. During the late 90s Chyler Leigh killed shows like Saving Graces, Safe Harbor and Wilder Days. More recently she has killed That 80s Show, Girls Club and Reunion.

Amanda Peet
Amanda Peet is definitely an up and coming show killer. Amanda Peet’s most recent flop is Studio 60. Surely it has to be Peet that killed that show. Matthew Perry had 10 successful years on Friends. Bradley Whitford had seven good seasons on the West Wing and Steven Webber was on Wings for seven seasons. Amanda Peet also has Partners and Jack & Jill to his credit.

Ted McGinley
Ted McGinley is a different kind of show killer, maybe even more dangerous than the rest. Most show killers are attached to a show from the very beginning and the show never gets off the ground but not Ted McGinley. Ted McGinley joins shows that are already successful and then sinks them. Ted McGinley joined Happy Days, gone. Ted McGinley joined the Love Boat, see ya. Ted McGinley joined Married with Children, it’s over. Ted McGinley joined Sports Night, bye bye.

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