Categories: Beauty

How to Make a Geisha Costume

Start with the Geisha Costume Dress

The main ingredient to your Geisha Costume is going to be a Kimono robe. It may be tricky for some to learn how to put on a Kimono properly. While it may not be very detailed, it will seem like a lengthy process for beginners. One of the easiest ways to make a Geisha Costume is by purchasing a Kimono robe. These can cost hundreds of dollars but can be found on eBay for as low as $4. You could also visit a fabric store; buy some fabric with Japanese patterns on it and make two holes one the sides for your arms. Make sure to have on a nice white shirt before putting on your Kimono robe. Close the robe using a tie made of the same fabric or one with a flattering hue. You could also add a colorful sash to the outer midriff section of your Kimono robe. This will help to give your Geisha Costume some flavor.

Makeup tips for your Geisha Costume

Apply white cream makeup to your face as a foundation for what is left to follow. Cover the entire area of your face, including beneath the chin. Your neck does not have to be covered with white cream makeup, but this choice is up to you. Put black mascara on your eyelashes and use black eyeliner for your eyebrows. Using the black eyeliner, highlight your eyebrows by coloring them in more and create sharp edges.

Next, use some of the eyeliner as normal. Apply bright red makeup to your lips in a precise fashion. The red lipstick should be used to create the perfect lips. This help to create a nice Geisha look, even if you have to mask a portion of your own lips to accomplish this task. Outward sections of your lips (usually the edges of your bottom lip near the chin) can be masked using the white cream makeup.

Hairstyles that will compliment your Geisha Costume

There are various options of Japanese hairstyles to choose from when making a Geisha Costume. One simplistic route is to pin your hair in a loose upward bun using Japanese hair pins or hair sticks. This style can work for women that have hair that is at least medium length. If your budget permits for this Geisha Costume, you could also purchase a Japanese wig. These wigs vary in style and cost between $15 and $35.

Women with longer hair could wear a straightened hairstyle with bangs in the front. This hairstyle can be topped off with jewels and flowers to accompany the Geisha look. Original Japanese hair pins and hair sticks are pricey at $20 each and more. However, you can find cheap Japanese hair accessories at local beauty supply stores in your town. They usually cost less than $5 a piece and may also be found at general discount stores.

Add Accessories to a Geisha Costume

This is one of the Geisha Costume areas where you could really save money. Geishas have been photographed while carrying paper umbrellas. These accessories can be found on the internet for $7 and up. However, the cost would be higher once you add shipping charges. You could also make a paper fan inspired by Japanese culture for this Geisha Costume. While decorative paper umbrellas may cost a few dollars, Japanese hand fans are inexpensive to purchase. You could bypass hand making this Geisha Costume accessory without breaking the bank. Japanese hand fans can be found for as low as $2.

Karla News

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