Categories: People

The Awakening, by Kate Chopin – Book Review

About 100 years ago, there was a specific role in society for women. The book The Awakening, by Kate Chopin, shows how one woman rebelled against society’s stereotypes, while others fell into them easily. The character of Edna Pontellier often rebelled against the roles set up for her by society, while the character of Adele Ratignolle was satisfied with her role. Edna is the main character of the novel, so much of the focus is on her. Adele provides a contrasting role to Edna, which accents Edna’s rebellious characteristics.

Edna was much more of a free spirit than Adele. Edna was eager to go outside of the boundaries traditionally set for women. Adele was willing to conform to what was expected of her. Edna moved out of her house, leaving her family behind, while Adele was content to stay at home and take care of her family, following the expectations of society. Edna did whatever she wanted to do, while Adele stayed within the boundaries set by society.

Adele was much more devoted to her family than Edna. On page 47 of the book, Edna tells her friend that she wouldn’t give herself up for her family. She said that she would be willing to give up anything else, such as money, possessions, or even her life, but she wouldn’t give up her self. Above all else, she had to keep her identity and be her own person. That was the one thing that she was not willing to sacrifice for her family.

One area where Adele and Edna differed was the arts. Adele was interested in music because it made her home a better place, not because she had strong feelings for her art. Playing the piano in her home made the environment more pleasant for her family. Edna engaged in the arts more because she felt passionate. Edna was an artist, and she painted only for herself. Even when other people showed appreciation for her work, she wasn’t interested in their opinions. She cared only how she felt about her work. For Edna, art was a passion, not just something to make her home more pleasant.

Edna was much more self-centered than Adele. Adele placed most of her focus on her family, instead of herself. She spent much of her free time making them clothes and doing other things to serve them. Edna was more interested in herself. She would gladly leave her children with the nurse so she could do what she wanted. While Adele was sewing clothes for her family, Edna was talking with friends or painting. If there was something Edna wanted to do, she would do it without a great deal of thought about how it would affect others. She decided to move out of the house and buy her own, without realizing how much it would change the lives of her family members.

Edna Pontellier and Adele Ratignolle were two very different characters. Adele helped to accent some of Edna’s characteristics. The contrast between the actions and personalities of the two helped shape Edna’s character. She was a woman who figured out what she wanted, and moved toward her goals without thinking or hesitating. Edna truly was a woman ahead of her time.

Karla News

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