Categories: Education

Ten Best Novels for Teens

As an avid reader and lover of both fiction and non-fiction books, I want to share with you ten great books that young adults should have on their reading list! However, these books don’t have to be just for the young adult; I still read teen and young adult novels at fifty. I am passionate about children being exposed to books as early as possible; even while they are still in the mother’s womb. Reading and comprehension are essential keys or tools for finding success in any career. In addition, I believe reading makes life a great deal more enjoyable! The following ten novels I have read and enjoyed and I can personally recommend them as great reads for young adults!

Ten Best Novels for Young Adults

#1 – To Kill a Mocking Bird by Arthur Lee is a classic novel that will never lose its popularity. No doubt this novel has been on many an English class’s requirements for reading. Set in Alabama, To Kill a Mocking Bird deals with racism, slavery, and a black man’s (Boo Radley’s) trial for murder. What makes this book special is that it is revealed to the reader through the eyes of a six year old, Scout Finch.

#2 – Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury is a great book for preteens and teens in that it encourages them to think about the value of books. The setting for this novel is in the future when a totalitarian government demands that books be outlawed and burned. Ironically, firemen are asked to start the fire. One of the firemen begins to see the value in the printed word. Unfortunately, now may be the future, with the sudden popularity of e-readers and tablets. I sincerely hope not.

#3Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher is important for young adults to read, because it deals with a taboo subject that many teens deal with themselves or know friends who do; and that is teen suicide. A high school student Clay Jenkins has to make sense of 13 tapes recorded by classmate Hannah who describes the events leading up to her suicide.

#4 – The Twilight Series by Stephanie Meyer is one of the most current popular series read by teens and adults! Never would I have thought the series would appeal to me, being fifty, but I thoroughly enjoyed the novels and the movies! Even though it deals with vampires and their relationships with humans, I found it to be a complicated love story involving Edward, Bella, and Jacob; the main characters.

#5 – My Sister’s Keeper by Jodi Picoult is the story of Anna who was conceived for the purpose of providing bone marrow for her sister who has leukemia. As Anna enters her teenage years, she begins to question her moral obligations to her sister and makes the decision to fight for her right to make her own decisions concerning her body.

#6 – The Hunger Games Trilogy by Suzanne Collins has been tremendously popular not only among teens but by adults as well. These novels deal with a future North America where contests are held between young adults chosen to fight until only one are left alive. These books are engaging and Katniss Everdeen , the protagonist is a smart, brave, and a survivor!

#7 – The Fault in our Stars by John Green teaches unconditional love as two teens, both with cancer, meet and fall in love in a cancer support group. These terminally ill teens face tragedy with integrity, humor and heart.

#8 – The Harry Potter Series by J.K. Rowling although controversial among many critics, this wildly popular series broke records in sales. Adults and teens alike devoured these novels about Harry Potter, his friends and their life at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and their continuous battles with the evil Voldermort.

#9 – Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs is an intriguing read. Jacob, after a family tragedy, explores an abandoned orphanage off the coast of Wales and discovers his own grandfather had been a resident there.

#10 – Wintergirls by Laurie Halse Anderson tenderly touches on the subjects of anorexia and bulimia. Many teens, especially girls, face anxiety about how their body looks. Best friends Lia and Cassie both deal with these issues and when Cassie dies, Lia battles to find hope and her own recovery.

For additional young adult books visit 100 Best-Ever Teen Novels, as reported by NPR.

Karla News

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