St Johns Wort

Natural Remedies for Treating Ear Infections

Otis Media is the term used for an ear infection. Ear infections are characterized by the swelling of the Eustachian…

3 years ago

Benefits of St Johns Wort and Other Natural Supplements for the Relief of Anxiety

Researchers at East Carolina University's Department of Psychiatric Medicine recently published a guideline for physicians treating anxiety disorders, which included…

3 years ago

Herbal Remedies to Quit Smoking

In the perspective of a lay person, there is no rhyme or reason presented in trying to quit smoking. Strong…

3 years ago

Does St. John’s Wort Work for Anxiety?

St. John's wort is one of the world's most well-known medicinal herbs. It effectively combats symptoms of mild to moderate…

4 years ago

Cure Stomach Virus Fast and Naturally!

This one herb will stop the symptoms of a stomach virus in a couple of hours. In fact, St. Johns…

4 years ago

Best Medicinal Herbal Teas

Do you have taking medicine when you are sick? I know I do because I am very sensitive to over…

4 years ago

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