
Why You Can’t Go Parallel with Barbell Squats or Bodyweight

Many things have been blamed for not being able to go parallel with squats (free barbell or bodyweight), and often,…

1 month ago

Should Beginners Do Barbell Squats?

Yes, beginners can and should do barbell squats, and here's why. I'm a certified personal trainer and have had my…

3 months ago

3 Alternatives to Barbell Squats

Barbell squats are arguably the best exercise for shaping your glutes, quads and hamstrings, but what if you can't do…

5 months ago

Best Way to Tell If Femurs Are Too Long for Back Squat

If you can't parallel squat, does this automatically mean your femurs are too long relative to the rest of your…

6 months ago

Long Femurs: Why Wide Stance Makes Parallel Squats Easier

If you know that long femurs have been hampering your ability to go parallel in a squat, you've probably figured…

2 years ago

Best Leg Muscle Building Exercises for Long Femurs

Time and time again, the muscle building literature says that people with long femurs "make poor squatters." This is no…

2 years ago

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