
From Paleolithic to Neolithic: The Transition to Agriculture

The development of agriculture and the movement from a Paleolithic hunter-gatherer lifestyle to a domesticated Neolithic society has long been…

1 day ago

Syncretism in America

Syncretism can be termed as a process of integrating two or more aspects dominant in societies with a goal of…

2 months ago

War, Aggression and Human Nature

Is war mankind's answer to survival, progress, or the pursuit of power? In primitive societies, war was accepted as the…

3 months ago

Abandonment of the Elderly

The U.S. Administration on Aging defines elder abandonment as "the desertion of an elderly person by an individual who has…

2 years ago

Social Deviants Are Created by Society

Recently, I read an article, Ironies of Social Control: Authorities as Contributors to Deviance Through Escalation, Non-enforcement and Covert Facilitation,…

3 years ago

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