
Why Does My Dog Sneeze Frequently?

Like humans, dogs and cats sneeze when something gets inside their little noses. It's how we get rid of irritating…

14 hours ago

Forensic Blood Spatter from Sneezing

When working on a crime scene where blood spatter is in evidence, many things have to be done beginning from…

2 months ago

Interesting Facts About Sneezing

Spring is probably my favorite season. I love the cool, sunny days. I love seeing the flowers, shrubs and trees…

3 months ago

Why Cats Sneeze

So why do cats sneeze? The most common cause sometimes is an upper respiratory type of infection that your cat…

2 years ago

Reasons Why Women Experience Urine Leakage When Sneezing

It is an old wife's tale that when a woman sneezes, she experiences an orgasm. The reason that this myth…

3 years ago

Interesting Things About Sneezing

I can remember that my friends in elementary school would always ask me to make myself sneeze. They weren't being…

3 years ago

SNEEZING – Ancient Superstitions and Rituals

More little bits of superstitions and rituals I came across when researching my book Aromatherapy & Herbalism-the complete home users…

3 years ago

It’s Time to Cure the Common Head Cold!

Oh, if there is one temporary, mildly debilitating malady I dislike most, it is the head cold. Like most of…

4 years ago

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