
Review: Philosophy Gingerbread Man Foaming Bubble Bath and Shower Gel

I recently received Philosophy The Gingerbread Man Foaming Bubble Bath And Shower Gel as a gift. This is a very…

3 weeks ago

Bath Product: Philosophy’s Gingerbread Man

Philosophy is known for having some great smelling products, but are they worth the price? With other wonderful shops like…

2 months ago

Kant’s Philosophy in the Modern Era

Kant's philosophy has always been studied in the Western philosophical circles there is a large body of is a product…

4 months ago

The Best Philosophy Podcasts on iTunes

It's hard to find anything philosophical in the U.S. unless you are looking for a book or something on religion.…

2 years ago

Review of philosophy cosmetics

The unique lower case spelled product line of "philosophy cosmetics" have been on Oprah's List Of Favorite Things for a…

4 years ago

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