
10 Unique Ways to Wean Your Child Off a Pacifier

Parents face many pressures to encourage their kids to grow up and move on to the next developmental stage, and…

1 week ago

Jobs that Pay Over $100,000 a Year

Are you exploring career options? Just curious which jobs pay over $100,000 a year? Want a job that will provide…

2 months ago

Dental Assistants – What They Do, and Why They Are Important

A new field of practice has opened up for dental assistants. This opportunity is in the area of orthodontics. As…

4 months ago

Take Care of Your Teeth

When you meet new people, what are the first two things that you notice about them? The answer is their…

4 months ago

Adult Orthodontics: Should You Get Braces?

Many adults with dental problems feel like they missed their chance to have braces once they reached the age of…

4 months ago

Dental Braces – Information and Treatment

Dental braces (orthodontic braces or brackets) are devices used to straighten teeth, align upper and lower jaws, improve aesthetics of…

8 months ago

How to Adjust to Your New Essix Retainers

So, your braces are finally off, and your teeth are looking perfect. You think you're home free...until your orthodontist presents…

2 years ago

Crouzon Syndrome: Symptoms and Treatment

Crouzon Syndrome is usually observed in infants. During the development stage, the child's cranial as well as facial bones fail…

3 years ago

How to Make Real Money in Vegas

It's a dream for all of us, isn't it? Breeze into Vegas, have some fun, play a few games, and…

4 years ago

Things the Orthodontist Won’t Tell You About Metal Braces

Considering braces? The metal kind mainly because the metal braces are your best option for straightening your teeth. Its true…

4 years ago

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