
Understanding the Epidermis

The epidermis forms the outer layer of skin and is composed of keratinized stratified squamous epithelium. This outer layer is…

3 weeks ago

How Can I Increase My Metabolism?

Drink Cold Water This is one small way to increase your metabolism. Your body will burn calories raising the temperature…

4 months ago

Major Organelles of Eukaryotic Cells

Eukaryotic cells are found in every domain with the exception of the Bacteria and Archea domain. Eukaryotic cells differ from…

3 years ago

Nucleotides: ATP and Nucleic Acid

Nucleotides are a specific type of molecule that plays an important role in the development and maintenance of RNA and…

3 years ago

Cell Structure: The Function of Organelles

The cell is one of the most rudimentary components of any living organism. Each part of the human body contains…

3 years ago

The Structure & Function of Neurons in the Nervous System

The nervous system is responsible for the transmission of chemical and electrical signals throughout the body. Nerve cells within the…

4 years ago

The Function of Lipids: An In-depth Explanation of These Fats

We often associate the term "lipids" with the term "fats." In some ways that association is correct, in others it's…

4 years ago

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