
Old Fort Western in Augusta, Maine: An Oft Missed Pleasure

Located on the eastern banks of the Kennebec River in Augusta, Maine off Freeway 95 (the northerly reaches of 495…

3 months ago

Metamorphosis in Literature: Startling Transformations in Prose and Verse

One of the great delights of the literary arts is their ability to give form to dreams and fantasies. There…

3 months ago

The Coolest Animated Rock and Roll Movies of All Time

As a producer of award winning (Chicago International Film Festival) animated music videos, an Animation Industry professional for thirty years…

6 months ago

Phrase Origins: Halcyon Days

I used to think that the phrase "Halcyon days" meant the "early days" or "the days before one was experienced."…

8 months ago

Writing Love Letters: An Old-Fashioned Gift for the 21st Century

Picture a scene from the 19th century: a lovely lady sits by the fire and reads the letter her beloved…

2 years ago

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