Manuka Honey

How to Treat MRSA and Staph Infections

Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a type of bacteria that is resistant to certain antibiotics, such as methicillin and other…

4 weeks ago

An Introduction to Different Types of Honey

The next you purchase honey in a supermarket or grocery, pay close attention to the labels. You may notice that…

4 months ago

Medical Uses for Manuka Honey

Honeymark International has developed a niche in the OTC health care products market by using a natural ingredient that has…

4 months ago

Dead Sea Mud Mask with Manuka Honey

It is easy to wonder if Dead Sea mud is nothing more than an expensive type of regular, ordinary mud.…

8 months ago

Don’t Be Fooled by Cheap Manuka Honey

Most people are familiar with honey's ability to heal. In the old days, doctors used honey to treat wounds when…

2 years ago

Himalayan Bath Salt with Manuka Honey

There is a significant difference between table salt and Himalayan salt. Ordinary table salt predominantly consists of sodium chloride. When…

3 years ago

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