
Lexapro Vs. Zoloft

In the fast paced world we live in today many people find themselves with increased anxiety, depression, and overall stress.…

2 days ago

Benefits and Side Effects of Lexapro

Lexapro is used in conjunction with other antidepressants to help alleviate sleeplessness and fatigue, which are exacerbated by depression and…

1 week ago

Lexapro and Anxiety: Combating Anxiety-Related Stress

Two years ago, I suffered from Generalized Anxiety Disorder. I wasn't freaking out in front of mirrors or anything like…

1 month ago

Medicine Review: Pills that Make You Feel Good?

Jet-Alert Caffeine Pills I use Jet-Alert, a caffeine pill market by Bell Pharmaceuticals, to perk me up or stay awake…

3 months ago

Lexapro Side Effects: Curbs Depression, but Not Worth Problems

As someone who has fought major depression for five years, I have experienced the side effects of several antidepressant drugs.…

3 months ago

So You Suffer from Social Anxiety Disorder?

Social anxiety disorder manifests itself mostly as a fear of performing poorly in social situations accompanied by a fear of…

5 months ago

Differences Between Zoloft and Lexapro

Zoloft and Lexapro are antidepressant prescription medications. Both of these antidepressants are in the class known as selective serotonin reuptake…

5 months ago

Lexapro Side Effects: What to Expect

Lexapro is becoming one of the most popular anti-depression drugs on the market. Mental health physicians around the United States…

2 years ago

Managing Lexapro Side Effects and Finding Balance

Many Americans are affected by depression or anxiety disorder these days. When your serotonin levels are off, it affects your…

3 years ago

Switching from Zoloft to Lexapro: Maximizing Comfort, Safety

Zoloft was one of the very first SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor) anti-depressants that came on the market and was…

3 years ago

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