Leo Tolstoy

History’s Famous Orphans

One orphan we all know and love is Little Orphan Annie, a famous cartoon character and movie named for her.…

1 day ago

Does God Exist?

Ah, but is there any better way to inflame passions than to ask that age old question: does God exist?…

1 month ago

A Collection of Inspiring Spring Quotes

"The groundhog didn't see his shadow!" That was one of the best things I heard in recent times. Ah, spring…

5 months ago

The Basics of Nietzsche’s Morality

Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) is one of the most controversial philosophers in history. Many philosophers regard him as a top tier…

8 months ago

21 Quotes on Truth

Why 21 Quotes? There are 21 quotes, for 21 days, the number of days it takes to create or break…

2 years ago

Ernest Hemingway Facts and Quotes

Ernest Miller Hemingway was one of the most famous and influential novelists and short story writers of the twentieth century.…

3 years ago

12 Famous Health Quotes

Staying mentally and physically healthy is my goal in life. I have realized without great health you really can't accomplish…

3 years ago

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