Jean Piaget

Cognitive Development

Cognitive Development In addressing the intellectual development of children, several cognitive development theorists play an integral part in shaping what…

4 weeks ago

Quotes About Home Education

"An educational system isn't worth a great deal if it teaches young people how to make a living but doesn't…

2 months ago

Psychology Timeline: Psychology’s Early Major Contributors

Plato: (428/427-348/347 BC): Plato was one of Greece's early philosophical thinkers. Plato insisted that the human mind was the base…

3 months ago

Piaget’s Contribution to Child Development

Jean Piaget, born in 1896 was a biologist but moved into the study of children's development by observing, talking and…

3 months ago

Piaget’s Theory and Child Development

Jean Piaget, born in 1896 was a biologist but moved into the study of children's development by observing, talking and…

5 months ago

Freud, Skinner, Erikson, and Piaget

Freud One of Sigmund Freud's most significant contributions is his psychosexual theory. The major components of this theory are centered…

8 months ago

Cognitive Theories at Work in the Classroom

Cognitive development is the order and methods in which people learn and how mental processes gain complexity and develop from…

2 years ago

The Learning Theory of Constructivism

Many learning theories have been developed throughout the years that attempt to explain how people modify their behavior based on…

2 years ago

Jean Piaget and the Classroom

Jean Piaget's key contribution to the field of psychology and education was his theory of cognitive development. Before diving into…

3 years ago

Piaget’s Contributions to Psychology

Swiss biologist and psychologist Jean Piaget worked primarily in the area of child development and his work on cognitive development…

3 years ago

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