Hiatal Hernia

Causes of Esophagitis in Cats

Samantha stepped over a pile on the floor, annoyed to have another mess to clean up. The vet had told…

1 month ago

First Person: My Baby Has Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease

Most babies spit up. However, when my second child was born, I quickly noticed that he spit up much more…

2 months ago

Heartburn- that Unpleasant Sensation in Your Chest

Heartburn does not affect a person's heart, despite its misleading name. Heartburn is actually a burning sensation that occurs in…

5 months ago

Living with a Hiatal Hernia: Symptoms and Current Treatment

I have a five centimeter hiatal hernia. I have bad acid reflux. I am one of those people who can't…

8 months ago

Tips on Coping with a Hiatal Hernia

Hiatal hernias are present in approximately 15% of the population. After years of living with mild but irritating stomach issues,…

2 years ago

My Pregnancy Gave Me a Hiatal Hernia

A woman's body goes through a lot of changes during pregnancy, most of which aren't permanent and aren't harmful. However,…

3 years ago

Hiatal Hernia: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

When an internal relocates to a position where it doesn't belong, the condition is known as a hernia. In the…

3 years ago

How I was Treated with Hiatal Hernia & Acid Reflux (GERD) Conditions

I'm a male, 48, 5' 9", 155 lbs., a non-smoker, and a practicing vegetarian most of the time (my Achilles'…

4 years ago

Indigestion Problems Due to Hiatal Hernias

A hernia occurs any time that one part of the body protrudes through a tear or an opening into another…

4 years ago

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