Gold Rush

Gold Rush Days in Dahlonega, Georgia

Gold Rush Days is a big festival in a small Georgia town. The festival, held on the third weekend in…

2 months ago

Key Figures in the California Gold Rush: John Sutter, Richard Barnes Mason, William T. Sherman, and Ulysses S. Grant

The 1849 California Gold Rush was a magnet for ambitious personalities: individuals who would later rise to extraordinary heights in…

8 months ago

Visit Balto Country: Nome, Alaska

Nome, Alaska is a small town on the western coast of Alaska. Many may remember Nome as the city that…

3 years ago

Columbia, California’s Historic Ghost Town: A Great Weekend Getaway

Once one of California's largest cities during the Gold Rush, Columbia's population has dwindled until it was nearly non-existent. In…

3 years ago

The Best Antique Shows in the Minneapolis, Minnesota Area

When it comes to antique and collectible shows, the biggest ad does not always equal the best show. I've learned…

4 years ago

California’s Colossal Economic Growth During the 1849 Gold Rush

The economy of California grew at a phenomenal rate during the days of the 1849 Gold Rush. Much of this…

4 years ago

Economic and Cultural Leaders During the 1849 California Gold Rush

A number of America's future economic and cultural leaders began their rise to prominence during the 1849 California Gold Rush.…

4 years ago

Celebrating 45 Years of Neil Young as a Solo Artist

The twelfth year of the century proved a great one for music legend Neil Young, who not only published an…

4 years ago

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