German History

Some Thoughts on Inside the Third Reich by Albert Speer

"I would have sold my soul like Faust" "in the final analysis I myself determined the degree of my isolation,…

3 days ago

German Militarism

The militant spirit described by Haffner, in the run up to the Nazi consolidation of power, was not a new…

1 week ago

History of Prussia: Early 17th Century – Late 18th Century

The history of unified Prussia[i] began under the reign of a weak, ineffectual ruler, and ended under the command of…

4 weeks ago

The Role of Jews in 19th Century Germany

The transition from feudalism to democracy is never an easy one and usually involves bloodshed. This was the case in…

1 month ago

Best Neighborhoods in Milwaukee, Wisconsin

When you sit down and divide out all the neighborhoods of Milwaukee, Wisconsin you maybe shocked to find out how…

2 months ago

Celebrating Oktoberfest in Wisconsin

Wisconsin is home to many German and European traditions, and includes a handful of traditionally inspired beer gardens, microbreweries, and…

3 years ago

Revolutions of 1848 – The German Confederacy

The revolutions of 1848 is one of the most interesting series of events in world history. No other revolution in…

3 years ago

A History of the Reichstag in Berlin

The Bundestag, as a political body, is of course the German parliament of the Federal Republic of Germany. The Reichstag…

4 years ago

Visiting Beethoven’ House in Bonn, Germany

Had I walked any faster and not been paying attention, I would have completed missed the small, insignificant sign that…

4 years ago

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