Articles for tag: Frederick, German History, Goethe, Prussia

Karla News

History of Prussia: Early 17th Century – Late 18th Century

The history of unified Prussia[i] began under the reign of a weak, ineffectual ruler, and ended under the command of one of the strongest of the Enlightened despots, running his country with an agile mind and a fist of steel. In much the same way, this motley collection of feuding principalities by the time of ...

Karla News

The Role of Jews in 19th Century Germany

The transition from feudalism to democracy is never an easy one and usually involves bloodshed. This was the case in France and even Britain. Germany, however, seems to have had particular trouble with modernization. While Germany had to overcome many problems in the 19th century, two of the most important involved Christian/Jewish relations. Germany had ...

Some Thoughts on Inside the Third Reich by Albert Speer

“I would have sold my soul like Faust” “in the final analysis I myself determined the degree of my isolation, the extremity of my evasions, and the extent of my ignorance.” The preponderance of historians agree that Albert Speer was a calculatingly selfish intellectual and a technocrat devoid of morality. But he was no empty ...

Karla News

Best Neighborhoods in Milwaukee, Wisconsin

When you sit down and divide out all the neighborhoods of Milwaukee, Wisconsin you maybe shocked to find out how many there really are. Milwaukee, Wisconsin has 45 different neighborhoods, and each with their own name! So when moving to Milwaukee, Wisconsin how do you choose the right one for you? Well I will go ...

Karla News

Celebrating Oktoberfest in Wisconsin

Wisconsin is home to many German and European traditions, and includes a handful of traditionally inspired beer gardens, microbreweries, and entertainment hotspots. German beer is a popular drink of choice for many Wisconsin fans, and the leaders in the community include the Capital Brewery in Middleton, the Essen Haus in Madison, and Leinenkugel’s famous ‘Leinie’s ...

Karla News

German Militarism

The militant spirit described by Haffner, in the run up to the Nazi consolidation of power, was not a new phenomenon in German history. Germany is a nation that had been ravaged by the devastation of war for centuries and finally forged through successful wars against its neighbors. World War I gave great expression and ...

Karla News

Revolutions of 1848 – The German Confederacy

The revolutions of 1848 is one of the most interesting series of events in world history. No other revolution in Europe that took place during 1848 was as eventful and as fruitful as the Revolutions that took place in the states of the German Confederacy. Although at the time the revolutionaries seemed to accomplish nothing; ...

A History of the Reichstag in Berlin

The Bundestag, as a political body, is of course the German parliament of the Federal Republic of Germany. The Reichstag building in which it resides, originally constructed in 1894 by the Kaiser to house the parliament of the German Empire, has a longer and more troubled history. Dedicated to “Dem Deutschen Volke” (to the German ...

Karla News

Visiting Beethoven’ House in Bonn, Germany

Had I walked any faster and not been paying attention, I would have completed missed the small, insignificant sign that says “Beethoven-Haus”. Following the sign, I turned at the footpath, passed a small but beautiful courtyard leading to a dark yellow structure, and entered through heavy wooden doors. After paying my entrance fees, I stood ...