
Bad Fruits for Dieters

Before the Atkins diet and other low- or no-carbohydrate diets became overwhelmingly popular, many dieters ate as much fruit as…

3 weeks ago

Joy Fit Club is the Hottest Diet Trend Sweeping the Nation

The Joy Fit Club is the hottest diet and nutrition plan around and details can be found here: .…

4 months ago

Can’t Lose Those Last Few Pounds? Ditch the Diet Soda

Millions of Americans, whether actively dieting or simply calorie conscious consume diet soda with the assumption that fewer calories will…

7 months ago

Kirstie Alley’s Organic Liaison Diet

After her gig as a spokesperson for the Jenny Craig Diet, actress Kirstie Alley founded her own weight loss program…

8 months ago

Weight Loss with the Rice Diet

With New Year's quickly approaching, many people are thinking of ways to start losing weight and keep their New Year's…

2 years ago

The Dieter’s Guide to Preventing Amenorrhea

You're a certifiable exercise freak: your body is constantly working everyday, and paired with a low-calorie diet, you're shedding weight…

2 years ago

Dr. Oz – “The Dukan Diet”

Wouldn't it be great to be able to eat anything you want and not gain weight? Dr. Oz explained how…

2 years ago

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