Corn Snakes

Keeping Snakes with Children

"Keeping snakes with children in the house is cruel!" "Don't worry, we won't let the kids hurt the snakes. We're…

2 weeks ago

Breeding Rodents as Pet Feeders

When you own reptiles that feed off rodents, it might be a good idea to breed the rodents yourself. If…

4 weeks ago

Why You Should Get a Snake as a Pet

Looking back I would never have thought that I would get sucked into the world of reptiles. It happened fast,…

3 months ago

Best Pet Snakes for Your Children

Has your son or daughter all of sudden come up to you and asked you for a pet? Not a…

4 months ago

Best and Worst Pet Snake for Your Child

When I was a child, my father brought home a variety of unusual animals. At one point, we had over…

4 months ago

Buying and Caring for Ball Pythons

Of the 2,400 or so known species of snakes, several make good pets and are quite popular as such! Though…

7 months ago

The Best Pet Snakes for Beginners

Most people have an adverse reaction to snakes. But with proper selection, care, and handling, snakes become great pets. They…

2 years ago

When Your Pet Snake Bites

Many times bites from snakes are due to owner negligence. Carelessness can mean getting bit and many experienced snake owners…

2 years ago

The Five Best Snakes to Keep as Pets

Snakes are among the list of creepy-crawlies that many would never consider for a pet. Some snakes, I would have…

2 years ago

10 Most Common Snake Myths

Everyone has heard the stories: larger than life snakes rising from the deep recessed shadows, snatching a human into its…

3 years ago

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