
Echocardiogram Guide: Cardiac Ultrasound

I am an Echocardiographer, which means I perform Echocardiograms as a profession. I often get the question: What is an…

3 months ago

What is a Cardiac Event Monitor?

You have just seen your cardiologist, and she has decided that your heart and its behaviors and functionalities need to…

4 months ago

Silent Symptoms of Heart Disease

Whenever you hear of a "sudden death" heart attack, you may wonder how things got that bad without any warning.…

2 years ago

Lupus Chest Pain: Cardiac or Costochondritis?

Lupus, an inflammatory autoimmune disease, is the perfect con man: instead of presenting as only one or two distinctive symptoms,…

2 years ago

Cardiac Sonographer: The Best Job in Healthcare

If you're one of the thousands of people wondering what to do with their lives but don't have the time…

2 years ago

How to Become a Cardiologist

The path to becoming a cardiologist is not short or simple. It takes many years of training to become a…

3 years ago

What is a Holter Monitor?

You've been to your cardiologist and she wants to get a better idea of what is going on with your…

4 years ago

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