California Gold Rush

The Operas of Giacomo Puccini

Giacomo Puccini (1858-1924) wrote a wide variety of operas over the course of his lifetime. Today he is regarded as…

3 weeks ago

Labor Day Activities in Sacramento California – A Ton of Fun

Labor Day, most people think of a quiet fishing or camping trip when this holiday is uttered. Some however, want…

1 month ago

4 Interesting Moments in American History

From just another British colony to the world's lone super power, America has a lot of interesting history. Here however…

5 months ago

Book Review – the Sisters Brothers by Patrick DeWitt (2011)

Our Book Club chose The Sisters Brothers by Canadian author Patrick DeWitt for our discussion this month. We do not…

7 months ago

Key Figures in the California Gold Rush: John Sutter, Richard Barnes Mason, William T. Sherman, and Ulysses S. Grant

The 1849 California Gold Rush was a magnet for ambitious personalities: individuals who would later rise to extraordinary heights in…

8 months ago

The Significance of the Mexican-American War

The significance of the United States winning the Mexican War became a major accomplishment in the expansion of the country.…

4 years ago

Economic and Cultural Leaders During the 1849 California Gold Rush

A number of America's future economic and cultural leaders began their rise to prominence during the 1849 California Gold Rush.…

4 years ago

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