Binging and Purging

Living with Bulimia Nervosa

Bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder that is characterized by regular episodes of binging and purging. As soon as the…

12 mins ago

A Review of Marya Hornbacher’s Memoir “Wasted: A Memoir of Anorexia and Bulimia”

I could not put down Marya Hornbacher's memoir. Wasted: A Memoir of Anorexia and Bulimia was a book that was…

1 week ago

Tips for Beginning Recovery from Bulimia

I've written articles about preventing Bulimia in an individual in the first place. But for those of you that are…

4 weeks ago

Long Term Effects of Bulimia Nervosa

Bulimia affects different organs. And the longer you have bulimia the more organs get affected and damaged. The organs that…

3 months ago

A Day in the Life of a Bulimic

In some ways, bulimia is worse than alcoholism. Alcoholics can live without their drug of choice, while bulimics can't. Would…

2 years ago

A Life Story of Anorexia-Bulimia Sufferer. Why She Does it and What is Her Life Like?

People often ask me to describe what a day in the life of an anorexic-bulimic sufferer is really like. How…

2 years ago

Binge Eating Disorders and How to Help Those Suffering with Them

When I was in high school, a friend of mine suffered from a binge eating disorder, which eventually turned into…

3 years ago

History of Bulimia and How it Evolved into a New Problem

The History of bulimia is old. Even in ancient Rome people used to vomit up food they ate in the…

3 years ago

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