
Alcoholic Encephalopathy: A Very Real and Extremely Dangerous Complication of Heavy Alcohol Use

Alcoholic Encephalopathy: A Very Real and Extremely Dangerous Complication of heavy Alcohol Use (Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome) What is Alcoholic Encephalopathy (Wernicke-Korsakoff…

2 weeks ago

What is Adenocarcinoma of the Colon?

Cancer, in its many forms is one of the most dreaded diseases in the United States and around the world.…

4 weeks ago

Mesothelioma: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Mesothelioma is a rare type of cancer of the mesothelium, the protective covering on and around most of the organs…

2 months ago

Why Does Ovarian Cancer Cause Bloating?

Ovarian cancer can cause bloating: not just a feeling of bloating, but a visible abdominal distention. If you have unexplained…

2 months ago

The Cause and Treatment of Fluid Retention

The excessive accumulation of fluid within body tissues or cavities is called edema. It results from seepage of fluid from…

4 months ago

Alcohol: Its Immediate and Long-range Effects

A lot of people start consuming alcoholic drinks without having second thoughts about the possible negative effects it may cause…

5 months ago

How to Diagnose Cirrhosis defines cirrhosis "as a potentially life threatening condition that occurs when scarring damages the liver. The scarring replaces healthy…

8 months ago

The Sanitized Tapeworm Diet! Urban Legend or Fact?

It is not an urban legend that people, especially women used to ingest tapeworm cysts (a baby tapeworm) to lose…

2 years ago

Common Herbs that Can Cause Liver Damage

Sometimes when we make the attempt to live a more healthy and natural lifestyle our good intentions can get away…

3 years ago

Acute Fatty Liver of Pregnancy (AFLP): What You Need to Know

Acute fatty liver of pregnancy (AFLP) is a rare condition in which too much fat accumulates in the liver. If…

4 years ago

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