
What is a Lumbar Puncture and What Will I Experience?

What is a lumbar puncture? A lumbar puncture is a test that is used to extract cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from…

1 week ago

Lethal Injection May Cause Horrific Pain and Slow Suffocation

A new medical study says that lethal injection, the accepted practice of putting prisoners to death in the United States,…

1 month ago

What to Expect when Having a Wisdom Tooth Removed

Wisdom teeth can be a problem for most people and end up having to be removed due to decay, misplacement,…

7 months ago

Undergoing Dental Extractions Without Anesthetic!

I had been having major teeth problems, and finally I was able to make an appointment, and get the molars…

7 months ago

Why I Chose Colonoscopy Without Sedation or Anesthesia

When my doctor noted it was time for me to have a routine colonoscopy, I asked my physician if I…

2 years ago

Euthanasia and Fancy Rats – What You Need to Know

Deciding that euthanasia is the best option for an ailing pet is the first step toward saying good-bye. For many…

3 years ago

Liposuction Vs. SmartLipo

Every year hundreds of millions of dollars are spent on perfecting how we look. Whether it is through beauty treatments…

3 years ago

Common Problems Faced During Dental Anesthesia

I come across many patients who have some sort of complaints about their experience with dental anesthesia. I have tried…

3 years ago

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