
Overcoming Fear of Heights With Cortisol

Bruce was asked to inspect some damage on the outside of a tower. Although he had developed a fear of…

3 months ago

5 Restaurants With Superb Ocean Views in San Diego, California

For those lucky San Diegans, listening to gently crashing ocean waves or enjoying the Pacific views of La Jolla Coves…

4 months ago

Romantic Comedy: The Road to Redemption

One of the most memorable sequences in Groundhog Day is the Groundhog Festival Banquet. Phil is the star of the…

8 months ago

Acrophobia: Fear of Heights

Imagine being on the roof of a one hundred story building and looking down, with nothing to keeping you from…

2 years ago

The Ten Most Common Phobias: Do You Suffer from Any of These Fears?

A phobia can be defined as having an unreasonable or illogical (often uncontrollable) fear of a certain thing, condition or…

3 years ago

10 Most Common Phobias

If you are looking at this list of the 10 most common phobias or fears, there is good news! You…

4 years ago

Common Phobias: Descriptions and Statistics defines phobia as an exaggerated, usually inexplicable and illogical fear of a particular object, class of objects, or situation.…

4 years ago

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