Categories: Movies

Superbad Quotes – Funny Quotes from Superbad

In the 2007 comedy hit, Superbad, Seth, Evan and Fogell are three teenage guys who love to drink and desperately wish to get laid. When a girl that Seth really likes, asks him to get the drink for her party, he sees this as a perfect opportunity to make her his girlfriend. The trio plan out how to get the alcohol, even including Fogell’s new fake ID, but things won’t go smoothly for the trio. Seth and Evan become separated from Fogell (now called McLovin) and they still haven’t retrieved the alcohol for the party that night.

Here are some of the funniest quotes from Superbad.

Evan: Yeah chicks go nuts for that… the male camel toe.
Seth: Yea yea! The camel tail.

Seth: Its like a three thing… its like ball, dick, ball.
Evan: It’s like a division sign… I just wish you would take those off.

Fogell: Oh oh, I forgot to tell you: my mom said we could have the TV from the basement…
Evan: Shut the fuck up, man. He’s gonna hear you. Just be quiet; wait until he goes away.
Fogell: You still haven’t told him that we’re rooming together?
Evan: Fogell… shut the fuck up. And take off that vest. You look like Aladdin.

Good Shopper Cashier: How old are you?
Seth: …22.
Good Shopper Cashier: [looks skeptical for a second, then smiles] You certainly are! That’ll be 80 dollars.
Seth: Oh! Okay!
[pulls money out of his sleeve]
Seth: Pssha! Thank you kindly! Will that do?
Good Shopper Cashier: [examines the bill: a crisp 80 dollar bill] It most certainly will! Thank you, Seth!
Seth: Hey, thank YOU!
[double high-fives cashier]

Officer Slater: [talking to Fogell with Officer Michaels in the liquor store after a robbery] May we see your identification?
[Fogell uneasily hands over his fake ID]
Officer Slater: McLovin?
[Fogell is really nervous]
Officer Slater: [pauses] That’s a cool name.
Fogell: (amazed that his fake ID worked) Wha… wha…
Officer Slater: Yeah, people have weird names nowadays. Once I pulled arrested this man-lady, and his legal first name was “Fuck”.
Officer Michaels: He was Vietnamese, so it was spelled “Ph,” but still that’s pretty jarring to see on a drivers license.

Evan: I’d give my middle nut to start dating Becca.

Officer Michaels: Yeah McLovin, how is it going with the ladies?
Fogell: It’s not the “going” I’m worried about… but the “coming”

Seth: You know when you hear girls say ‘Ah man, I was so shit-faced last night, I shouldn’t have fucked that guy?’ We could be that mistake!

Becca: I’m so wet right now.
Evan: Yeah… they said that would happen in health class.

Seth: Oh my God! That’s the coolest fucking story I’ve ever heard in my life! Can you tell it again, do you have time?

Evan: Calm down, calm down. She likes you. She wants to suck on your penis. That’s a good thing. It’s the best.

Becca: I am gonna give you the best blow J. With my mouth.

Seth: Hey Greg, why don’t you go piss your pants?
Greg the Soccer Player: [turning around] That was like 8 years ago, asshole!
Seth: [yelling] People don’t forget!

Seth: [referring to Evan’s mother] I am truly jealous you got to suck on those tits when you were a baby.
Evan: Yeah, well, at least you got to suck on your dad’s dick.

Seth: [looks at the line to the bathroom] What is this, a line?
Shirley: Uh, yeah, whats it look like?
[laughs with her friends]
Seth: [sarcastically] Oh, yeah, fuck me, right?

Superbad Quotes and Summary

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