Categories: Books

Stephen King Movie Remakes-What’s in the Works?

There have been many adaptations over the years of beloved horror writer Stephen King’s finest works. Now, it seems studios are making the decision to remake some of the previous films in hopes of garnering more audiences and making better movies. But, what was wrong with these films in the first place? Here are some of the King films that are getting a redux.


“It,” King’s horror masterpiece about the creepy clown, Pennywise, that stalks a group of kids in the 60’s, had its shining moments. The only real problem was that the film was shot as a television miniseries, therefore leaving behind some of the graphic horror scenes from King’s terrifying novel.

The brilliant Tim Curry played Pennywise the Clown to perfection. The remake, which will be a two part film supposedly more true to the book than the miniseries, will be written and directed by Cary Fukunaga. There is no word yet on who will play the pivotal role of Pennywise.


Currently filming, the new adaptation of “Carrie” stars Chloe Grace Moretz in the title role, with Julianne Moore playing Carrie’s mom, Margaret White. The original 1976 film is much loved by fans, and stars great actors like John Travolta, Sissy Spacek and Piper Laurie. What will be different about this updated version of the telekinetic teenager and her zealot mother? Supposedly, it’s going to be darker and delve deeper into Carrie’s damaged psyche. Moretz compared the film to “Black Swan.”

The Stand

King’s epic novel, “The Stand,” was converted into a television event back in 1994. It boasted a cast of tons of stars, such as Molly Ringwald and Gary Sinise. The story of people on the run from a super flu is a tale of survival and horror. Now, there is talk of “The Stand” being made into a feature film by a joint effort from CBS and Warner Bros.

Fans of the popular novel hope this reboot will include more things from the book that were removed for the television version.

Pet Cemetery

The shiver-inducing movie from 1989 was actually a good and well received adaptation of King’s 1983 novel about the Indian burial ground where buried pets came back; but not quite as they were before. There’s supposed to be a script being written by noted screenwriter Matthew Greenberg, who adapted “1408” into a film. Loosely attached to direct is French director Alexandre Aja. Should “Pet Sematary” come back? We will see if the reanimation of this classic King film is worthwhile. In other news of revisiting King characters, King is planning on writing a sequel to his novel “The Shining.

Karla News

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