Categories: TECHNOLOGY

Software Product Review – Dragon NaturallySpeaking Speech to Text Software

Dragon NaturallySpeaking is a speech to text software package that can save you a ton of time in article production. When I heard about Dragon NaturallySpeaking , I instantly was interested. What could possibly be better than to be able to speak into a microphone, and have the words magically appear in your word processor? Dragon NaturallySpeaking has given me the freedom to use the power of my spoken words. This has been the biggest benefit to me, as I’ve always been a better speaker than typer. I am not incredibly slow on the computer, but I am not going to set any records. Long before I became a writer I was a storyteller. It is refreshing to be able to sit down in my easy chair and use Dragon NaturallySpeaking as my own personal transcriptionist. I grab my coffee, pick up my feet, and settle into the wonderful world of the spoken word. Dragon NaturallySpeaking was a wonderful find for me.

Product description:
Dragon NaturallySpeaking is a constantly updated speech to text software package made by Nuance. It allows you to dictate into any program that accepts text. It can also be used to surf the net. Dragon NaturallySpeaking is commonly used in many different e-mail servers. Dragon NaturallySpeaking 9 can also be used with spreadsheets. In Dragon NaturallySpeaking preferred and higher editions, you can actually transcribe from a voice recorder.

Product install:
Dragon NaturallySpeaking will install on most versions of Windows. Dragon NaturallySpeaking version 9.5 and higher are compatible with Windows Vista. Before purchasing Dragon NaturallySpeaking be sure to check all the system requirements for installation. I made the mistake of purchasing Dragon NaturallySpeaking before doing so, and had to upgrade my computer before I could use it. Fortunately, I was planning to do so anyway.

When you install Dragon NaturallySpeaking, you will be amazed at how easy Nuance has made this process. Dragon NaturallySpeaking will take you through every step in clear and concise language. Even the tutorial is easy to understand. You will need to train Dragon NaturallySpeaking to recognize your voice as with other speech to text software packages. Dragon NaturallySpeaking has, however, streamlined this process. I was able to train my software in about 30 minutes.

The one area that is so frustrating when it comes to speech to text software is accuracy. Right out of the box, Dragon NaturallySpeaking was about 90% accurate. I have now owned and used the software for about three months and the accuracy is closer to 99%. Dragon NaturallySpeaking continues to train itself as you use it. When you make corrections to Dragon NaturallySpeaking, it remembers those mistakes and generally does not repeat them. There have been times when Dragon NaturallySpeaking has repeated the same mistakes over and over but it is very uncommon. After using a number of speech to text software packages, Dragon NaturallySpeaking has easily been the best.

Final grade:
On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest, Dragon NaturallySpeaking slides in at around a 9 1/2. The only reason it does not receive a 10 is because of the sometimes repetitive mistakes. These mistakes are so rare that I often write six or seven articles before running into it. If you are average on the keyboard, Dragon NaturallySpeaking may be the perfect boost for you.


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