Categories: Beauty

Smith’s Rosebud Strawberry Lip Balm and Moisturizer

Smith’s Rosebud Salve has been a cult favorite for years, and celebrities like Beyonce use the balms all of the time. According to, the Rosebud Perfume Company was founded in 1892 and their mission was to make simple multi-usuage products that worked but were inexpensive.

I was at a Sephora store 3 years ago and happened to see the Smith’s Rosebud Strawberry Lip Balm and Moisturizer in a clear box that was placed around one of the counters at a local Sephora Store. It was only $7 and it was in a fairly large container for a lip balm so I bought it.

First of all I have to say that I adore the tin that the strawberry lip balm comes in. It’s gold and looks very vintage and girly because of the script that’s used and the little strawberrys that are printed around the top edge of the tin.

Besides that the sweet smelling balm which contains petrolatum, lanolin alcohol, synthetic wax, and natural and artificial flavors, does moisturize my lips really well without feeling heavy or gloopy. But on days when I’m dehydrated or my lips are really chapped it doesn’t work as great as Blistex does for me. It will add shine and some moisture but it really doesn’t penetrate the dry layers of skin to really moisturize as much as I would like it to.

Another thing that I don’t like about the Rosebud lip balm is the fact that it doesn’t contain an SPF, so it’s like putting oil on your lips and going out to the sun to let them fry. Even though I’ve never been sunburned on my lips with this balm or any other, I didn’t think it was responsible to go outside during the day with this balm so I only use it when I’m at home, or right before I’m going to sleep at night. I always wake up with the softest lips, and they usually still have some shine to them.

Even though I mostly use the Smith’s Rosebud Strawberry Lip Balm and Moisturizer on my lips when I’m at home, I still like to keep it in my purse when I go out. It has saved me so many times when I’ve had dry cuticles, or dry patches of skin on my face, or when I’ve even needed to highlight the tops of my cheekbones. It can be used for so many different things from ashy elbows to smoothing eyebrows down and everything in between. And it lasts forever, I bought my tin three years ago and I still have about 65% of it left.

I would recommend the Smith’s Rosebud Strawberry Lip Balm and Moisturizer to everyone even guys (though I’d recommend they try the regular version if they don’t like the sweet smell). It will make your lips look shiny but still very natural and it really comes in handy for so many other uses. I would just recommend using a swipe of alcohol on it every now and then to kill off any germs that you might have gotten on the balm since you have to use your fingers to apply it.


Karla News

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