Categories: Beauty

Simple Tips for Keeping Your Skin Clear and Acne-Free Without Medicine

Acne and other blemishes are commonplace for many people, but most of those people don’t realize that there are a lot of things that they can do to prevent these problems from happening besides buying creams and gels to fix the problem after it’s occurred.

Take the following preventative measures and you’ll begin to see your skin clear up and look more naturally healthy every day. Note that these are not the be-all end-all solutions for great skin but merely things that will help you inch closer to that goal every day if you do them as often as possible.

Change your pillowcase(s) every week-

Bacteria and oil from your face and the rest of your head gathers each night on your pillow, so it’s a good idea to wash your pillowcase at least every week if possible in order to kill off as much bacteria as possible. Many people find that they get acne on the side of the pillow they sleep on because they expose it to their pillow every night. Clean your pillowcases and this problem will be reduced.

Use a towel to pat your skin dry-

Don’t rub towels across the gentle skin of your face if you can avoid doing so because it causes irritation. Irritation in terms causes skin to get red and also to break out from time to time. You should simply pat the skin dry as gently as possible to avoid irritation.

Get as much sleep as possible-

They don’t call it beauty sleep for nothing. Make sure you get a lot of sleep, preferably 8 hours a night and make sure you don’t go too long between bed times so you don’t stay up too late and overtax yourself. The body’s restorative powers work best in deep sleep which comes when you sleep for a good 8 hours straight.

Use a facial moisturizer/sun block-

The face needs to be protected as much as the rest of your skin, maybe more, so use a moisturizer every day if possible in order to protect your skin from the wind and the sun. If you do use benzoyl peroxide, make sure you apply moisturizer after to prevent over-drying and breakouts.

Get your Omega-3’s-

The powerful substance found in walnuts and fish as well as fish oil capsules has been known to help keep skin protected and healthy so try and eat these foods in order to get some in your diet.

Fruits, vegetables, and teas-

Try and get as many antioxidant-rich foods in your diet as possible such as blueberries, raspberries, tea (the real kind not the sugary stuff), and even a little dark chocolate in order to give your skin protection against damaging free radicals.

Follow these steps and you should be able to increase the health of your face’s skin in no time.

Karla News

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