Categories: Diseases & Conditions

Signs and Symptoms of a Mini Stroke

Have you recently noticed that you are experiencing signs of a problem in your sight? Or maybe you noticed that all of a sudden, you were having problems walking. You found yourself stumbling when there was nothing to stumble over or no reason to stumble. After taking a few steps, you tripped or your foot seemed to not move properly. You may even have noticed a slight problem walking.

Did you notice your words seem to not be coming to you as they should. Words you used all your life were eluding you. Maybe you noticed your speech a little impaired. While speaking, the words seemed to not come out as they should. You speech became a little slurred. You may have wanted to say something and then nothing came out or a kind of awkward incoherent verbiage was presented.

Have you found yourself losing memory of previous events. Maybe you even noticed the last few minutes of events were lost to you. Have you found yourself trying to recapture the events of the last hour. While listening to someone or something, you may intend to ask a question, but the question and why you are asking just vanishes.

If you noticed any one or combination of the above signs, you may have experienced a mini stroke or a Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA). Mini strokes are warning signs of minor neurological damage to the brain. However, they are not to be taken lightly. They are and do usually precede a major stroke or heart attack.

A TIA generally has been known to correct itself within minutes or seconds of occurrence. The ability to move, speak, feel or see is inhibited on one side of the body temporarily. However, because the effects are those that forewarn of more dangerous situations, it is vital that medical attention is sought immediately.

Your physician will generally require a serious of extensive test be performed. An electrocardiogram, an ultrasound, blood work with a emphasis on anemia, a check to determine if you have too few or too many platelets, an echocardiogram or sound wave examination will most likely be required.

After receiving the results of each test, your physician will then make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment to reduce the chance of a massive stroke of heart attack occurring. Even with the diagnosis, prescribed medication and other guidance, it is still vital that you conduct yourself to a strict diet and exercise regimen. Your diet must be changed and you must concentrate on a strict exercise program.

In some cases, surgery may be recommended. If surgery is required, your physician will discuss the issue, directive and then recommend the best surgeon to perform the procedure.

A mini stroke is not to be taken lightly. Individuals who have ignored the signs or warnings have either found themselves at a later date in the hospital recuperating from a major heart attack or stroke. Some have ignored the warning signs with cases resulting in death.

For more detailed medical information and advice, contact your physician or visit

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