Categories: Beauty

Signature Club A’s Non Toxic Silicone Plus VS. Serious Skin Care’s InstAtox

Women have always had to fight the stereotypical ideal of what is and is not considered beautiful. From puberty until the day we die, it seems that we are faced with some kind of judgment concerning the way we look. We constantly contend with weight issues, skin issues, body shape issues and so much more. Our hair may not be the ideal color, blond. Our eyes may not be the perfect shade of Caribbean blue. Our nose might not tilt up at the tip. There is always something that makes us fall short of ideal beauty.

Even those of us who manage to scoot through our 20’s and 30’s without major humiliation over our looks, know what lurks just around the corner – – aging. During our 40’s and 50’s a lot of us start searching for ways to hang on to what beauty we do have by staving off or hiding those dreaded wrinkles. Unfortunately, cosmetic companies are aware of our desire to look better and offer a myriad of “miracle” beauty products that are supposed to help us reach our goal. Some of them actually work, but many of them are merely placebos meant to placate us.

Some of the newer products on the market are those that are meant to fill in those tiny wrinkles that so easily give away our age. Although by no means as effective as Botox injections, these products are supposed to give a temporary smoothed-out firmer look that lasts until they are washed away. We see many of them advertised on television infomercials every single day.

I have tried several sample products along this line, but these two products represent my favorites: Signature Club A’s Non-Toxic Silicone Plus and Serious Skin Care’s InstaAtox. Both are advertised heavily on television through the Home Shopping Network and on-line through HSN (.com). Let’s compare the two products against one another.

Signature Club A’s Non Toxic Silicone Plus consists of 98.6% silicone. It is billed as a “pack & line filler.” To use it, you pat onto each wrinkle with your fingertips and hold you face as immobile as possible for about 30 seconds or until the product dries.

Serious Skin Care’s InstAtoxconsists of a myriad of ingredients including sodium silicate, magnesium, aluminum silicate, zinc and copper gluconate, camellia leaf extract, iron oxides, retinyl palmitate, etc. It is also meant to be patted directly into wrinkles. Again, it is important to let the product dry completely – – at least three minutes – – before moving the face or applying other products such as makeup.

Comparing these two products – – Non Toxic Silicone Plus and InstAtox – – directly against one another, I have to say that the results are basically the same. Neither product really “removes” wrinkles so much as they appear to “diminish” those that are just beginning to form.

The application of each must be done properly or they do not work at all. This is actually an instance where less is more. Too heavy of an application will leave an unsightly residue that looks a bit like egg whites on the skin.

Neither product, used alone, has any long-term cumulative effect. They are each made to work in conjunction with other products within the beauty line in order to gain maximum benefit.

Signature Club A’s Non Toxic Silicon Plus works much better if applied both in its day and night format. Unfortunately, these two product must be purchased separately at about $30 each for 1 oz or through a kit. Signature Club A kits generally run between $30 and $150. However, they contain virtually all the products required in the line necessary to maximize the effect. This often contains makeup as well.

I have purchased such kits in the past and find that using the products together, in tandem, does make a significant difference in the appearance of wrinkles on my skin. Also, by purchasing the products in kit format, it is possible to save a significant amount of money. Kits generally include moisturizers, cleansers, toners, and makeup; virtually everything needed for a beauty regimen. Sometimes that even includes hair care products as well.

Serious Skin Care’s InstAtox comes in a single .75 fl oz tube at a cost of about $28.50. Although there are other products that can be used to further enhance the effects of InstAtox, this product does approximately the same thing that the two-day and night Signature Club A products do for $60.

Serious Skin often suggests the use of Ice Age Wrinkle Cream in conjunction with InstAtox as a one, two punch wrinkle fighter. Ice Age can be purchased for about $34.50. Sometimes the two products can be purchased together as a duo or in conjunction with other products in kit format. Other times, however, they are only available for purchase individually.

I have not found the Serious Skin Care kits to be as effective, overall, as those of Signature Club A. Additionally, the kits are often mixed with other product lines, making it hard to determine how to use them all together. Rarely do Serious Skin Care kits contain makeup.

In summary, comparing the two products directly against one another, I find no significant difference between the two. Both Non Toxic Silicone Plus and InstAtox work as a wrinkle “diminisher” but are not effect as actual wrinkle “fillers.” I personally could not recommend either one of them – – alone – – for that purpose.

Used in tandem with other products in the same line, however, I am of the opinion that Signature Club A works better to actually help to fill-in, smooth-out, and firm the facial skin to better address wrinkle issues than does Serious Skin Care.

For more information on either product line, look for the Home Shopping Network on your television or contact HSN on-line at

Karla News

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