Seven Myths About Passing a Drug Test

I’m sure you’ve asked a friend, or a friend has asked you about how to beat a drug test. There have been many strange, crazy claims over the years. Pills, promising to clear out your system quick, fast, and in a hurry. Other companies offering “synthetic urine”. Some people say that drinking 2 gallons of water before your test will clear you out, others swear by pickle juice. I’ll help you uncover the science behind the myths, so you can make a choice for yourself.

1.Water Doesn’t Work!
Have you ever heard from a friend that you should drink tons of water to try and flush the THC out of your system? Did you honestly believe them? If you did, take your hand and slap yourself across the face! THC is fat soluble. Meaning, all that water can’t cut through the fat. Drinking tons of water will actually make your test come up as diluted, and its the same as failing.

2.Vinegar & Pickle Juice
Its the same as the water really.. It just dilutes your urine, making your test come up bad. Plus, drinking too much pickle juice or vinegar will dehydrate you.

3.7-Day “Cleansers”
I’m sure you’ve seen the ads for these. “Miracle Cleanser” pass a drug test in 7 days, or less. Like I’ve previously mentioned, THC is stored in fat cells, so tossing some vitamins on it isn’t going to shake it out. But, at least you’ll have a cleaner digestive system!

4.Synthetic Pee?!
Do you really think you’d get away with ordering fake pee? Ordering a synthetic urine off the internet is by far the strangest how to beat a drug test myth I’ve heard of! Not only will it be extremely disgusting taping urine to yourself, or worse, but urine is tested for temperature, granted some come with warming packs, do you REALLY think you can fit all that stuff in there with you?

Not only is this potentially fatal, it might also cause kidney failure. Aspirin is not a drug you’d enjoy abusing because you needed to pass a drug test, this is seriously dangerous if you take too much. Never take more than the recommended dosage. Not only is it bad because if could potentially kill you, taking it at the correct time for it to metabolize and make your urine look clean is a very slim chance.

6.Powdered Bleach
Another rumor I’ve heard is using powdered bleach, either under your fingers, and then peeing on your fingernails (gross!) or carrying a little bit of powdered bleach with you, and then adding it to your sample. You will definitely fail EVERY time with this method, because it spikes the pH way out of the normal human range, making it very apparent that you added something to your sample. Don’t even bother with this one.

7.Poppy Seeds
This is the most old school rumor I’ve heard. Eating poppy seeds the morning before your test, because they contain trace amounts of codeine and morphine, then telling the lab you had poppy seeds for breakfast. Thus, getting you out of the test. But, that’s exactly it, trace amounts. What does show up on drug tests is analyzed by the company running the test, and it will be thrown out. Everyone’s aware of the opiates in poppy seeds, and they will not cause you to fail a drug test.

More rumors are started each day on how to beat drug tests. Hundreds are injured each year by what they thought would help them pass a drug test, but now you have some knowledge of what works and what doesn’t. Remember to always research your methods before you actually try them, because some can be potentially fatal.

Karla News

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