Categories: Shopping & Fashion

Sanford Uni-Ball Onyx Roller Ball Pens – Writing as Smooth as Silk

The Sanford Uni-Ball Onyx Roller Ball Pens are my writing instrument of choice. Our department has 34 people who use these pens daily. We are pretty picky about what the type of pen we like to use and have gone through quite a few of them. In fact, we love these pens so much that there is always a surplus available. Our administrative assistant makes sure to purchase the box that includes 12 pens rather than ordering each pen piece by piece, so we can get a discount on the price.

About The Pen
So, here are the basics: The Sanford Uni-Ball Onyx Roller Ball Pens measure about 5 ½” long and close to ½” in width. The pen I prefer has a micro point (0.2mm) with a metal tip point at 3/16″. The pen cap is 2 inches long and comes with a flexible paper holder on the side. My favorite ink color is black, but I have been known to use the red and blue ink pens.

Why I Like Sanford Uni-Ball Onyx Roller Ball Pens
Being a short person (about 5’1″) with small hands and long fingers, a bulky pen does not work for me as it tends to put pressure on the left side of my middle finger when I try to write. If I am using a big pen the pressure seems to be more painful. I like the way this pen feels since I can hold it between my thumb and index finger, supported by my middle finger. When I write, I don’t need to put a lot of pressure on the pen, so the ink glides smoothly over the paper and leaves a very artistic impression.

Also, the cap fits nice on the Sanford Uni-Ball Onyx Roller Ball Pens and snug on the top so there is no risk of having the cap come off accidentally and “inking” me or flying all over the place when you pick up your papers. The paper holder that comes on the pen cap is convenient. I can attach the pen to my papers or file folders in case I am going from meeting to meeting or just out and about. In addition, the ink does not run and does not leave any blotchy spots on the paper. Since I have been using these pens I have not had any ink leaks as in the past with some other pens, which will remain nameless for now, but may be revealed at a later time.

What about the Sanford Uni-Ball Onyx Roller Ball 0.3mm Pen (Fine)?
The Sanford Uni-Ball Onyx Roller Ball Pens also come in 0.3mm or fine point. The differences I see between both pens is that the 0.3mm pen has a gold-colored tip and that tip is just a bit wider than the 0.2mm. In terms of writing, the 0.3mm pen produces a line that is just a bit bolder than the 0.2mm, so I prefer the micro point at 0.2mm.


I enjoy using the Sanford Uni-Ball Onyx Roller Ball Pens and plan to keep on using it for a very long time, of course, until the ink runs out. Then, I will go to the supply drawer and get another pen.


Karla News

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