Categories: TECHNOLOGY

Safety Advice for Posting on Craigslist

Craigslist is literally your local online garage sale. Once you get the ball rolling, either buying or selling on Craigslist becomes a snap. The simplicity of the website is not due to lack of popularity or funding, but rather the holistic belief that does not need any flair to be successful. This belief seems to be holding true, as it is one of the most popular local commerce websites available today. If you’re planning on selling on Craigslist in any fashion, there are some safety tips to consider as where there is traffic, there are scammers and potential for dangerous situations.

Don’t ever give your address.

This seems simple enough, however, if you’re planning on posting for sale a large item. It is tempting to give your address for that item. Your personal information should remain just that, personal. If at all possible to not give your home address and if you see no way around a potential buyer needing to stop by your house to purchase the item then at least do not give it out on the posting and rather just simply state at the end of the listing, “Please call or e-mail for more details” There are many shady people that cruise craigslist on a regular basis who have no intention of purchasing your item. They are simply seeking to gather as much personal information available on in hopes of possibly stealing your identity or worse.

Get a second phone line if possible.

This may seem like overkill, but if you’re planning on selling on craigslist regularly. It is a very good idea. For the same reasons as mentioned above regarding your address, your phone number is just as important to keep private. There are multiple pay-as-you-go online cellular services that will usually offer you up to an hour of free service and free phone for less than $20. The free hour of service is usually enough to conduct any business on Craigslist for quite some time. And you have the added benefit of knowing your phone number is secure.

Always click the anonymous button.

After your post, and before it actually goes up on, you’ll be given the option to make your e-mail anonymous. It is always a good idea to click this button as it does not subtract in any way from anyone being able to contact you to just simply hide your e-mail and instead makes craigslist the relay station for all interested buyers.

Insist on meeting in a neutral place if possible

As stated above is never a good idea to meet anyone at your actual house. If this is unavoidable, such as in the case of selling a refrigerator or a large television, then at the very least make sure you have one or more friends home when the buyer stops by. As a general rule though, it is a very good idea to meet in a neutral place such as a gas station or restaurant, if it all possible.

Meeting during daylight hours.

Another rule that seems like common sense, under no circumstances should you risk meeting anyone during the evening or night hours. If they contact you at night simply insist on meeting the next morning. It is unacceptable to the buyer and they are not worth your time and clearly do not understand safe protocol.

Do not respond to fake e-mails

Anyone who posts anything on Craigslist will undoubtedly receive a whole mess of clearly redundant fake e-mails. These are actual people but they may as well be machines as I feel they do not have a soul. They’re simply trying to gather your personal information or perhaps rip you off for your merchandise. The easiest way to avoid them is simply cannot respond. They’ll be fairly easy to spot as well, using words such as “friend” and “item” and often apologizing for any inconveniences etc. It will likely be from a foreign country so they say and request to pay by money order or mail. Simply do not respond.

Cash only please

Insist on cash only, is a free marketplace and does not offer any seller or buyer protection as far as transactions are concerned. It is essentially an online garage sale and should be treated as such. No one in their right mind would accept a check at a garage sale unless they knew the buyer personally and craigslist should warrant the same amount of precaution. Never allow a stranger to pay you for your item by check. In my experience it is literally a 50-50 chance that the check will bounce especially if the item was expensive.

Keep clear about a refund policy or lack there of

Ever so often for one reason or another a buyer thinks it is okay to call you days weeks or sometimes even months later and request a refund for their purchase. This is one headache that is perfectly applicable to making sure that upon sale you make clear that this is a final sale transaction or if you are more lenient, the timeframe for which is acceptable to return it. It will save a huge headache. Often times when I’m approached with such a buyer who is complaining about the item weeks later I used a garage sale metaphor and it usually comes down. As in, you wouldn’t go return something to a garage sale weeks later would you? Well this is essentially the same thing so why are you thinking that this is okay?

Karla News

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