Categories: Education

Rocktron Banshee Talkbox Product Review

When you want to sound like Peter Frampton, the Rocktron Banshee talkbox will allow you to feel like Frampton does. It has features that the other talkboxes just don’t have. But more importantly, it will let you start talking through your guitar signal right out of the box. Also, Rocktron constructs this talkbox like a monster. It outputs and sings like a true talkbox. It costs a little over $100 but considering the other choices you have, it blows them all out of the water.

How does it work?

You don’t know how a talkbox works? Why am I talking to you again? You’re obviously a dolt. Nah, I’m just playing with you. A talkbox works when a preamp in the box itself takes your guitar signal and boosts the sound. Then, that sound escapes through the opening where your tube covers. The sound then travels up the tube and into your mouth. The sound bounces around in your head and is forced back out of your mouth. Then you decide what you want the sound to sound like by mouthing words or mouthing whatever shapes you want. People think that musicians with a talkbox are actually using their vocal chords to speak with the guitar. That is a common misconception which people believe.


This “monster” is absolutely durable. I have used it to hammer something, I have dropped it on several occassions, but it still holds together and works like nothing ever happened. It also features it’s own preamp. This preamp means you will not have to hook the talkbox up to an external speaker to immediately hear yourself talking through a guitar. While the newer version of this Rocktron Banshee talkbox has more knobs to fool around with, this one will not disappoint you at all. It performs like a talkbox should.


I do not have many negative remarks about the Rocktron Banshee, but there are a few quibbles. The mouth tube will get all disgusting and spitty as you can probably imagine. Therefore you will be forced to clean it thoroughly after a while or too many uses. It isn’t too hard to clean, but it’s still a pain to do. Otherwise you’ll have a smelly tube which hosts bacteria from your mouth. If those bacteria multiply and you decide to stick it back in your mouth, all I can say is have fun with that. Although cleaning can sometimes be a pain, nothing too major interferes with your enjoyment of this fun little device.


I own this Rocktron Banshee talkbox and I have tested it completely. I have rocked out with it with my band and it actually gets loud enough to be heard over drums, bass and vocals. Of course, if you mic it, it’ll easily get over your band if that issue arises. The tone which I receive from this talkbox is impeccable. It sounds completely professional and feels like it too. The tube, if you get too crazy or you don’t have a mic stand to wrap it around might pop out of the talkbox resulting in one of two or both of these things: You’ll look like a fool and Mr. T pities you. So maybe if you add some good ol’ duct tape to the mix and tape that sucker to the box, it’ll stay there and you’ll be happy and so will Mr. T. Finally, it get’s drooly. I don’t have a fix for this yet, but it’s not that bad to deal with. Just looks appalling to some people. Anyway, if this Rocktron Banshee talkbox was ever stolen, I would replace it as soon as I could. It is reliable and will get you through whatever talkbox needs you could ever have.


Karla News

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