Categories: Beauty

Revlon Colorsilk Hair Color #20 Brown Black

So I got bored yesterday. It was chilly outside, and the fall weather was in the air. I took a look in the mirror and realized that my blond hair needed a fall change. I was sick of the blond look I had been carrying on my head for the past 4 years. I wanted to go back to my natural brown/black color.

Like anyone about to make a drastic hair color change; I worried. Would this new look make me look dark and Gothic? Would I end up looking like a Satan worshiper? Would my boyfriend hate it?

I took the plunge anyway. I had a box of Revlon ColorSilk in brown black for nearly 2 months. I bought the box on sale for $4.95 at CVS, and since I was shopping with my cousin, and she was about to dye her hair, I figured I should too. She told me the color would look good, fabulous even; but honestly taking a look at her calico odd colored hair told me another story. She liked ugly hair colors, she liked weird and abnormal looks. Me, I prefer the plain, the simple. One color, with a lighter undertone; not 10 colors.

Yesterday though, boredom got the best of me, and before I knew it, I was peeling open the box of dye. I knew that my hair was so light that it would take the color in immediately, and the results would be pretty fast.

Inside of the box were instructions, a set of gloves, 2 mixes, and a small package of conditioner for afterward. I worried that I would need two boxes because my hair was so thick. I figured though, if it turned out spotty I could always go back to CVS and buy another box.

I mixed the dye with the application bottle formula, (Mind you the dye is ammonia free, so your hair is free from those harsh chemicals that you usually find in hair dye. Revlon ColorSilk is also permanent) gave it a shake, and put on my cheap plastic gloves.

I next began applying the dye. I covered my entire head with the dye, and let it sit under a plastic bag for 45 minutes like the instructions directed. I checked my hair every 10 minutes, and with each check I could see my locks getting darker, and darker. By the 30 minute check mark my hair looked pitch black, so I panicked and jumped into the shower to rinse out. I did want dark hair; yes, but I was not looking to go jet black. By the looks of it, is seemed this was going to be my result.

I rinsed out without using any shampoo. After the water ran clear I applied the conditioner that came in the box. Believe it or not this small pouch of conditioner was more than enough for my thick hair. I let it set for 3 minutes and rinsed. My hair felt gorgeous, I always love those deep conditioners that come in dye boxes! I wish they sold them in big bottles!

I wondered though; would my hair look as good as it feels? Gulp!

I checked the mirror and my hair still looked pretty dark. I knew though that once it dried the results would be set in stone. I could not wait for it to air dry though, so I used a blow dryer, and hair straightener to see my final results.

Revlon ColorSilk (brown black #20) left my hair looking pretty spectacular. It was very, very dark, and it took some getting used to; but at least I was not on the floor crying regretting my change. (Usually I end up hating my results, and end up going back to blond).

The dye had highlighted my natural highlights with a lighter brown, while the rest of my hair was left a deep dark brown black. Surprise, surprise! I liked what I saw.

Why I recommend Revlon ColorSilk brown black:

-It took to my hair without leaving spots
-It left my natural highlights a lighter color
-It does not have ammonia in it, so my eyes and scalp were not on fire while dyeing
-It actually left my hair in better condition than it originally was.
-I had shine! Lots of it!
-One box was more than enough for my thick hair
-Took me only about an hour to finish
-I was able to do it myself without anyones help

You can pick up a box at any local drug store for around $6.00. You can also pick up a box at for $3.69.

If you are looking to go darker for the upcoming fall seasons, this is one color you will not regret.

Karla News

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