Categories: Food & Wine

Review of Turkey Soda and Other Flavors: In Jones Soda Holiday Pack

The first time I had ever tried Jones Soda Thanksgiving Holiday Pack was in 2005. After Thanksgiving my family cleared the table and got out the soda. Each person was given five Dixie cups, one for each soda and a drink of their choice just in case the soda was nasty. We decided to try them in order as if they were a meal, dessert last. So the bottle of turkey and gravy soda was opened and passed around. Each of us filled our cup to the top. We did a cheers and drank it. We all agreed it was nasty. The second drink was then passed around: Brussels sprouts with proscuito. This time we filled our cups only half full. We did our cheers hoping this would be better than the last. With no luck, it was worse. The third soda was chosen: wild herb stuffing. This one smelled disgusting, but we did our cheers and gagged it down. By this time everyone looked sick. The fourth soda was cranberry sauce. Knowing this one can’t be as bad as the last three, we filled our cups up. This one wasn’t that bad, but the flavor of the last three still in our mouths did not make it good. Last we tried the pumpkin pie. This too, wasn’t good. We then gave the left over bottle of Brussels sprouts soda to my one-year-old niece, who took a drink and said, “Yum.” We all burst out laughing. We sat around and discussed which soda was the worst and we decided it was a toss up between Brussels sprouts and stuffing.

In 2006 we decided to try it again, but this year they had a dessert pack in addition to the holiday pack. We started with the dessert pack, dreading the holiday pack. This time we filled our cups with flavors like cherry pie, banana cream pie, apple pie, blueberry pie, and key lime pie. They were all really yummy. My favorite was key lime. When we finished with dessert we tried the holiday pack. This year we skipped turkey and gravy and only took sips of the flavors: sweet potato soda, dinner roll soda, pea soda, and the last, anti-acid soda-the name alone making me want to throw up. We decided ’06 soda was just as bad as ’05.

Jones first came out with turkey gravy soda in 2004, and they have had Thanksgiving-inspired sodas each year since. You can submit holiday-inspired photos to be printed on the labels . Each package has a sticker with a sequential number because they are limited edition soda packs. You can buy them at the beginning of November. Target usually sells them and other select stores. Jones’ website, has a list of stores where you can find them. They cost about $15.95. The proceeds go to Toys for Tots and St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital. Besides the dessert pack, all Thanksgiving packs have zero calories, zero carbs, and no sugar added. Online they will even make customized turkey soda with your picture and message on the label, at

Jones comes out with other specialty packs such as Love potion #6 Valentine packs, and Jones Soda anniversary pack with a Jones Soda Hot Wheels car. Sign up for their mailing list and they’ll keep you informed to what they are coming out with next. You can even suggest the flavors you’d like to see.

This year we’ll be looking for the holiday pack to keep with our tradition of the soda, wondering what the flavors will be. So if you’re looking for a zero calorie Thanksgiving dinner, this is the way to go. They’re fun to try.


Karla News

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