Categories: Shopping & Fashion

Review of Listerine Whitening Pre-Brush Rinse

Each year Americans spend millions of dollars on tooth whitening products. Unfortunately, many of these products never seem to work perfectly. Other products may work, but can’t be used by people with sensitive teeth. Last, but not least, there are the products that take the enamel off your teeth. Despite all this, I decided to try a new product that promised to whiten my teeth. Listerine Whitening Pre-Brush Rinse was a product that seemed appealing, but was the product all that it claimed to be?

Review of Listerine Whitening Pre-Brush Rinse: Directions and Ease of Use

All you have to do to use Listerine Whitening Pre-Brush Rinse is gargle with the product, twice a day, right before you brush you teeth. This couldn’t be any easier. Just pour a small amount into your mouth and gargle with the product for 60 seconds. Unlike other Listerine products, Listerine Whitening Pre-Brush Rinse doesn’t have an overpowering mint flavor, but that doesn’t mean that it’s any easier to keep in your mouth for 60 seconds.

Review of Listerine Whitening Pre-Brush Rinse: Taste

The taste of Listerine Whitening Pre-Brush Rinse is absolutely revolting. This really makes it hard to keep the product in your mouth for 60 seconds. I honestly found myself hoping around trying to keep my mind off the fact that the liquid in my mouth was turning my stomach. This will honestly seem like the longest 60 seconds of your life.

Review of Listerine Whitening Pre-Brush Rinse: Does It Work?

I wish I could give you a yes or no answer for this question, but I can’t. I used Listerine Whitening Pre-Brush Rinse twice and was unable to continue using it because the thoughts of putting it in my mouth literally made me want to gag. I can say that the product foams up really well around your teeth and after a few weeks you may see a difference, but I can’t be sure if this is true.

Review of Listerine Whitening Pre-Brush Rinse: Price

A large bottle of Listerine Whitening Pre-Brush Rinse costs around $5. If the product really does work, that’s an amazing deal. But, thinking about the taste, I wouldn’t use this product even if someone gave it to me.

Review of Listerine Whitening Pre-Brush Rinse: Satisfaction Rating

I have to give Listerine Whitening Pre-Brush Rinse 1 star. If I could give it a zero, I would. I love the idea behind this product. The idea of being able to use a whitening product before you brush your teeth means that you would be able to brush away any stains that had been loosened by the product. Unfortunately, the taste of Listerine Whitening Pre-Brush Rinse is so bad you aren’t able to use this product enough to do the job. If Listerine could add a better flavor to the product it would be different. A pleasant flavor would actually make this product enjoyable. One can only hope that Listerine will change the product over time.


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