Reverse Seasonal Affective Disorder: Summertime Blues

SAD is an appropriate word for seasonal affective disorder. It’s a form of depression that occurs during the long, dark, winter months. It might not be pleasant, but at least it’s understandable. It’s opposite, however, is depression caused by the advent of the bright, warm, summer months. It’s titled reverse seasonal affective disorder, and it strikes just when we think we should be cheering up after the dull months.

The symptoms are somewhat different than those of convention SAD, although they can mirror many of them. With reverse SAD, though, the patient is more apt to become manic, suffer anxiety, irritability, weight loss, lack of appetite, and have an increase in libido-not a fun person to be around for too long.

It isn’t always easy to pinpoint reverse SAD, but like its more common counterpart, SAD, the symptoms have to appear regularly for two or more years during the seasonal cycle of shorter/longer days and nights. Once the change in daylight hour reverses, however, the symptoms have to disappear on their own. One problem is that depression brings along its own psychological problems, and more or less spontaneous recovery isn’t common. In other words, it leaves behind some of its baggage. Physicians eliminate any other causes for depression before making a diagnosis. It’s difficult, because a patient could be suffering from depression that’s aggravated by a form of SAD.

Nevertheless, the general down grading, followed by uplifting, of spirits, definitely defined by the seasons, is how the variations of SAD are defined. To make things more complicated, there’s a secondary, less common form of SAD called reverse diurnal SAD. Symptoms become worse after nightfall.

Regular SAD is being treated with melatonin, which seems to help regulate the internal clock of the body. It seems to help some people. All forms of the illness are treated with anti-depressant drugs. Psychotherapy is helpful, too, if for no other reason than it identifies and studies the cause and effect involved.

It’s estimated that one and a half million people suffer from reverse SAD. The numbers are far greater for the more common SAD, and the milder form of SAD, which is probably under reported, could affect far more people than the twenty-five million researchers guesstimate. The slower onset, the milder symptoms, and the faster recovery of the milder cases make it difficult to identify. Many people just get through the “winter blues” without reporting it.

Reverse SAD is best combated with better physical conditions, along with the drugs and therapy. Good sunglasses, worn constantly outdoors, sun block, and even hats to help defray the effect of the sunlight help. It’s important that the patients spend as much time as possible in darkened rooms, with air conditioning. Keeping cool as much as possible is important, but bathing is contraindicated when done in bright sunshine.

If you think you might be suffering from reverse SAD, tell your doctor. If you don’t get help with identifying it, try cooling down, staying out of the sun, and drinking as much liquid as possible, particularly something with electrolytes to boost the level of potassium. If you find yourself responding well to the changes, approach your doctor again, or find another physician. There are ways to relieve the problem, and to help you begin enjoying summers once again.

First Magazine (October 2007)

Karla News

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