Categories: Shopping & Fashion

Resolution: Go for Skinny Jeans and a Blazer at 50-Plus, Why Not?

Are skinny jeans and a blazer suitable for after age 50? Definitely! I consulted on the stylish and age-appropriate looks for women in this age group with San Francisco-based Susan Smith, President of A Sense of Style, and came up with my own ready-to-share New Year’s Resolutions for ready-to-wear.

Resolution #1 – Skinny jeans with lycra
The baggy ancient Levi’s are fine for the garden. But to look a bit more up-to-date, there are straight, skinny and boot leg jeans for mature women. It took me several years to convince myself that skinny jeans were not a short-lived fad for the youngsters. Yes, the look is here to stay, together with boot cut and wide leg. Go for the lycra added option and avoid that very tight poured-into look the kids go for. Susan helped me find mine, called “slim leg”, cotton with with stretch which are eased through the hip and thigh and sit just below the waist. It works!

Resolution #2 – Remember the blazer
Walking up Nob Hill to the Fairmont Hotel yesterday at noontime was good exercise. Warm and lovely on the sunny side of the street and a lot less so a couple of hours later. San Francisco is famous for the wide range of temperatures experienced within just 24 hours, so Susan says layering is the answer. A blazer is perfect for San Francisco climate. She recommends, “Bring a blazer to give you confidence, style and flexibility and don’t be afraid to add vibrant color.” No matter where you live, this is a good look if the blazer is well made. And it is a great cover-up for older women who dislike having bare arms on show.

Resolution #3 – Replace those old shirts
Next, I’m throwing out the shirts that are older than my kids. Nothing better than a clean and crisp white tailored shirt, so it’s time to get two or three and make sure they’re not baggy. Choosing the non-iron option will save some time on chores and it packs well. Mix in some blues and narrow stripes, checks perhaps, and the jeans with blazer look is instantly smarter and updated.

Resolution #4 – No pantsuits
Pantsuits were never a good look on men nor on women. And, that goes for Johnny Carson and his late 60s leisure suits, too. I cringe to see Hillary Clinton stepping off the diplomatic jet on a top-level mission to Myanmar appearing head-to-toe as a blob of blue polyester. And with a necklace to match! If you have any pantsuits, discard them before 2012 sees the light of day. The alternative, just keep the blazer and have it tailored in a slimmer silhouette. I have learned the tailor is a marvelous resource.

Resolution #5 – No more matchy-matchy
I resolve to avoid reverting to the fashion rules of yester-year. Our mothers and grandmothers taught us that shoes and bag must match. That fingernails and lipstick must match. That jewelry must be color coordinated and that a suit consisted of a matching top and bottom. The rules have changed. No more matchy matchy, ladies, please. Mix and match, we all know how. When in doubt, just observe the 20-somethings.

As for how to stick to the new resolutions without spending a fortune? I resolve to look first in the second-hand and vintage shops, second in department and fashion stores. Some of my best finds are from the better quality second-hand shops and there is just no reason to pay full price for the same thing as new. Another bonus is taking in and selling on consignment for your own recyclable shoes, handbags and garments. Earn a bit of pocket money, why not?

Susan Smith

The Designer Consignment
3525 Sacramento Street
San Francisco , CA 94118

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