Relieve Bee and Wasp Stings with Household Items

Bee and Wasp stings cause pain and swelling in the affected area. Most people know to put ice packs on stings to help reduce the swelling. However, there are a lot more household items you can use to help relieve the pain of bee and wasp stings. Before applying any of these household items on the sting, make sure you have removed the stinger first with these household items.

Place a damp Lipton Tea bag over the sting for ten minutes. The acid in the tea helps relieves and soothes the sensation drawing the stinger to the surface and making it easier to remove. You can also remove the stinger by using a card, like a credit card or ID card, and gently scrapping the skin and removing the stinger.

To help fight the venom from the bee and wasp sting use these household items. Mix a meat tenderizer with water making a paste, and apply it to the affected area. The enzymes in the tenderizer reduce the venom from in the sting. Make a paste with some baking soda and water, apply it to the sting, and cover with a bandage. The baking soda brings also helps to bring out the venom. Make a paste with a teaspoon of sugar and water, make sure it’s thick, and rub it on the area for a few minutes, then remove the paste. The sugar helps to fight the venom. Get a hair dryer and turn it on the warm setting, blow it on the area, the heat helps defuse and counteracts the venom from the bee or wasp sting.

To relieve the pain and reduce the swelling of bee and wasp stings immediately, use these household items. As a heating treatment use Tabasco Pepper Sauce. Dab some of the sauce on the sting to help relieve the pain. The capsaicin and vinegar in the hot sauce works together to alleviate the pain and cleanse the sting. Just like it cleans windows, spray a dose of Windex to help cleanse the sting, relieve the pain, and reduce the swelling. Apply some Ban deodorant on the sting to help relieve the pain and the swelling. Dab some Heinz White Vinegar on a cotton ball or cloth and apply it to the bee or wasp sting to help relieve the pain.

Bees love honey, right? Well, honey also works to reduce the swelling and relieves the pain of their stings as well. Honey is a disinfectant, an antibacterial, and an antiseptic. Use Bayer Aspirin by first wetting the sting, and then rubbing the aspirin over the sting. This helps to control the swelling. Applying a small amount of Listerine to stings helps to relieve the pain immediately by killing the venom and cleansing the sting. Using some Mrs. Stewart’s Liquid Bluing also helps to soothe the pain instantly. Applying a dab of Orajel numbs the pain of the sting immediately. Also, you can put some Parson’s Ammonia on a cotton ball and dab it on the stinger to quickly relieve the pain from the sting.

To stop the itching and reduce the swelling, try using a generous amount of Preparation H. This also helps to remove the stinger and provides instant relief from the pain. To make a quick ice pack, fill a Ziploc freezer bag with water or ice cubes, freeze it (no need if you use ice cubes), wrap the bag, and apply it to the sting. Ice relieves the pain, reduces the swelling, and constricts the blood vessels, and slows the venom of the sting.

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