Categories: Opinion and Editorial

Psychic Sylvia Brown as Seen on The Montel Williams Show

People claiming to be psychics, mediums, ghost hunters, witches and such have been around since the beginning of time. Over the decades though, their acceptance has become more and more common. In today’s day in age more than ever before the “freaks” and “frauds” are falling from the woodwork and today more than ever it is accepted as “almost normal”. A lot of people, but especially I, have always been skeptical and quick to call people claiming to be mediums or psychics scam artists. Until recently that is.


A few years back my mother wouldn’t shut up about this psychic woman known as Sylvia Brown. She was often showcased on the Montel Williams show and was said to predict the future of the world, of people, could speak with the dead, and could tell people where their missing loved ones were and what had happened. My mother proceeded to tell me that if I had ever turned up missing or something had happened to me she would call this woman for help in a heartbeat. All I could think was “Oh lord, save me” because if my mother were counting on a psychic in the hopes of saving my life I knew there could be no hope for me. I of course had to check it out, but not because I believed. I tuned in so that I could point out all of the alleged psychic’s faults to my mother and disprove her, but what I got instead was a rude awakening.


As I mentioned a moment ago, this all began a few years back. It started out that I was just trying to prove to my mother that Sylvia was a fraud, but after watching just once I was intrigued. Most “psychics” ask questions to get leads off people’s emotions and expressions..Not Sylvia though. One woman stood up to ask Sylvia a question but before she could even mutter a word Sylvia said to her something along the lines of “He is alive honey. Your father is not dead and he did not leave because he didn’t love you. He has bipolar disease and can be found in such and such area of such and such state.” The woman just began sobbing and I stood there in disbelief for a moment until I realized that Montel and Sylvia or the producers must have spoken to the audience or pre-screened the questions of the audience before the show began. I was curious but still skeptical. Later in the show a mother asked about her missing and very young child and Sylvia told the woman her child was killed and buried. Sylvia described the incident and the burial site to such a degree of detail and even told the mother to contact the police about who Sylvia believed had done the crime. I sat there thinking about the poor mother who was just given such terrible news and was a little angry that someone could make something like that up. The poor woman had been through enough.


By this time I still didn’t believe, but was finding myself more and more curious. As the many episodes continued, I continued to watch. Finally an episode arrived which was almost completely updates and sure enough some of the many stories I had previously questioned or disbelieved were on. The little girl I just mentioned was brought up and Sylvia was correct right down to the exact science. She was killed in the exact manner, buried at the place Sylvia described and in the clothes, blankets, and colors that the mother was told she had been. This occurred over and over again, case after case. Sylvia even began to predict natural disasters and things of nature. Things that not even a rocket scientist or genius scientist could predict to such accuracy. There was no way anybody could have committed so many crimes in so many places under such short time frames and there was no possible way she could have caused tsunamis, earthquakes, or other tragedies that she had predicted. She had to be real.


I am now still a skeptic of mediums, psychics, and others, but I don’t hold Sylvia Brown in that category. She is not like the others. She is not a psychic or a medium, nor is she a scam artist. She is an act of a higher power and I now take her word as fact and if ever I were in a position of wealth I would have weekly readings with her. In an unfortunate event or a moment of tragic events I would do whatever necessary to obtain the funds needed to see her.


Not every person can be swayed and there is no reason anyone should be made to believe anything that they choose not to believe in, but I now feel each of us owe it to ourselves to look at all in life with an open mind and in a nonjudgmental fashion. I say this not because of Sylvia Brown and my newfound belief, or because I want everyone to believe in her, but because I realized out of this incident that there had been a lot in life I had previously missed out on or disregarded because of my close minded bullheadedness. For those of you who are intrigued, or would like to learn more about Sylvia Brown, she can be found almost every Wednesday on The Montel Williams Show ( Or if you can’t wait to catch her on Montel Williams, go to her personal website ( One of her up and coming predictions is that aliens(yet another thing I have never believed in) will begin to show themselves to us in 2010. That date is just around the corner and I can’t wait to see what happens this time.

Karla News

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