Categories: Pets

Pica – Dogs Eating Unusual Objects

It’s not unusual for dogs to chew such objects as furniture, carpet, blankets, pillows and many other items within their reach but some don’t stop at just chewing, they actually swallow these items. Some owners have experienced their dogs eating rocks, underwear, socks, balloons, coins and even feces. This strange behavior of eating non-food items is called pica. Eating their own or another animal’s feces is an off-branch of pica called coprophagy.

Animal experts are not really sure why dogs ingest these unusual items. One idea is that this is a way for dogs to get attention from their owners. If eating an object results in being scolded by their owner then the behavior is reinforced. Some experts believe that dogs are trying to find nutrients that are lacking in their diet while others feel it may be a result of anxiety or frustration. Pica and coprophagy may also be the result of the animal playing with an object which eventually leads to eating it.

In the case of coprophagy some believe that it is a behavior carried over from the parental behavior of eating the feces of offspring. Others find this happens more often in dogs that live in confined spaces or in barren environments.

Pica and coprophagy are dangerous because these non-food items can block or severely damage your dog’s intestines. Many times a dog has to have expensive surgery to remove the unwanted item. Unfortunately, since the causes of pica and coprophagy are so varied teaching your dog not to eat non-food items can be difficult. Below are a few tips on how to keep your dog from eating unwanted items.

Do not leave items out that you know your dog will eat. Put away clothing or small toys, anything you’ve seen your dog eat before. When your dog is in the yard watch him closely or keep him on a leash in an area clear of rocks and other items he may ingest.

To teach your dog not to eat feces try sprinkling cayenne pepper, Tabasco sauce or any undesirable flavoring on it so your dog will reject eating it. After a few times your dog will most likely not even try to eat feces whether you’ve seasoned it or not.

Spend some extra time with your dog so he receives positive attention from you. When your dog tries to eat an unwanted item try taking it away from him without any fuss and then ignoring him for awhile. If he is not getting attention for this behavior he may stop.

It’s natural for dogs to use their mouth to explore the world around them but with a few precautions you should be able to keep them safe and healthy.

Karla News

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