Categories: Beauty

Pantene Pro-V Nourishing Moisture Replenishing Mask – Review

My hair has been extremely dry since dying it. I dyed it a dark brown about 2 weeks ago, and 3 days ago I took it up a notch and went to all out black. I thought dying your hair blond was the only way you could dry out your hair. Turns out my thought was wrong, dying hair dark also strips moisturization from it.

This weekend though, when my hair felt so dry that if I lit a match it would go up in flames, or if I stood in the sun to long it would also catch fire. I ended up picking up Pantene Pro-V Nourishing Moisture Replenishing Mask this weekend while out shopping.

I had used Pantene Masques in the past with really great results, so when I came across this newer product, I figured it would be worth a shot. At this point anything was worth a shot. I was hiding my hair in a tight bun so people couldn’t see how parched and dead my hair looked.

The mask promised to reveal the 5 signs to healthy looking hair. That Pantene Pro-V Nourishing Moisture Replenishing Mask would reveal resilient, shiny, soft, silky, frizz-controlled hair.

I doubted it would do all that, but I went ahead and purchased it anyway. At $4.95, it wasn’t much of a loss.

The jugs instructions read to shampoo my hair first, and then to apply the Pantene Pro-V Nourishing Moisture Replenishing Mask, and to leave it in my hair for 5 minutes.

I find that by wetting my hair without shampooing works best for masks.

I wet my hair, towel dried it, and then applied a generous amount of the Pantene Pro-V Nourishing Moisture Replenishing Mask to my hair. I literately used half of the jug, and saturated my hair in the mask.

I then placed a plastic bag over my head for an hour, and wash out. I find doing it this way gives you more moisturization, deeper conditioning, and way better results, than leaving it in for just 5 minutes.

My results:

After drying my hair I did see very dramatic results. My hair was left shinier, silky, and best of all moisturized. My locks were not seeping moisturization, but it was just enough moisturization to get my hair back in working order again. (It no longer felt like parched hay).

Although my hair was left with nice new results, I was not 100% satisfied. Usually after leaving any mask or conditioner in my hair for an hour I get superb results. The results with Pantene Pro-V Nourishing Moisture Replenishing Mask, were just okay.

Don’t get me wrong, it helped big time, but it was not the results I have gotten from other Pantene hair masks I have used.


The scent is nice, but nothing to drool over. It has a light floral scent to it, that reminds me of gardenia, roses and a dab of honey.


Pantene Pro-V Nourishing Moisture Replenishing Mask, is a thick white cream. While applying it to my hair it did leave a slightly light greasy feeling behind on my palms. It was not overly greasy, but the greasy feeling was definitely noted.


I’m not going to tell you to run away if you locate it on shelves, because it is not a horrible product. It’s a good product, but not an excellent one. If you can pick it up on sale, I would recommend it for a dry hair fixer upper. For extremely dry hair though, not so much.

View the bottle of it here.

Karla News

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