Panic Attacks Are Debilitating If Untreated

Many people have a rush of terror before going on stage, speaking in public or losing a loved one. It can be scary but passes once the event has passed. But for others, panic attacks happen daily for no apparent reason.

In my late 20s I began having deep sweats, nausea, diarrhea, dizziness, trouble breathing, and fears. My fears ranged from feeling those symptoms when going out, to dying, to vomiting, to being left alone. I basically feared everything including fear.

I began to call in sick at work or come home from work early. Then I started not working at all. I was afraid to leave the house. Soon I became afraid to even leave my bedroom.

I started seeing doctors of all kinds. I had tests of every kind from endoscopies to heart monitors. You name it, I had it done. Every doctor had the same result. Each said I was healthy.

But I knew I wasn’t which just made me angry and frustrated. I was told to see a psychiatrist and psychologist. I did and vented any issues I had. That felt good but it did not relieve my constant panic attacks. Of course, at that time, I did not know what it was.

Doctors put me on a number of mild medications but nothing seemed to work. This went on for about 10 years.

When I have a panic attack, I feel like I am going to die. No, I actually just feel like I just want to die. In fact I used to pray to die. Every inch of my body feels electrified. I feeling like my mind is losing control. Not being in control of everything in my life is difficult for me. I am sure I will vomit (which I never do), I feel on the verge of passing out and I need cold cloths on me to stop from overheating.

Think of the fear you would feel if suddenly someone put a gun to your head. Now think of that fear and rush of terror on a constant basis. It comes on for no reason, may subside for a few minutes and returns just as strong.

They can happen anywhere such as in a car, a grocery store or even while you sleep. And they happen for no apparent reason.

Some people believe they are having a heart attack.

I finally found an excellent doctor who put me on proper medication in my after about 10 years of suffering. I now only have panic attacks on rare occasions and they usually are mild. People who have continual panic attacks are said to have panic disorder. I was glad to finally have a name for what I was feeling.

A lot of people including doctors do not know how to properly treat panic attacks and panic disorder. Most people say things like I was so worried “I had a panic attack”. Some have had a small version of one and some don’t realize what panic attacks really are.

Anyone suffering from these symptoms need to know if treated properly, they can be eliminated or kept under control. You must find the proper doctor. This is key to overcoming the disorder. Search for doctors who specialize in panic disorders. Do not just go to your regular physician or any psychiatrist. Do not let it control your life.

I take various medications and I feel normal 99 percent of the time.

Some people can relieve panic disorder without medication. I could not.

Some facts I have learned about panic disorder is that it is caused by chemical imbalances in the brain. Your serotonin level needs to stay level rather than bounce up and down like a ball. It can often be inherited. People who have them should also know it is not their fault or in their imagination. It is real. Women are more likely to suffer from it than men. One to two percent of the population has panic attacks on a regular basis. Symptoms vary for everyone.

Do not feel guilty about not being able to do things because you are afraid. Just be aware with proper medications things will change. Do not allow family members to force you to do anything including being hospitalized. Forced hospitalization only makes panic worse.

People often say – fight or flight – which means you have to either fight the fear or be prepared for flight. If I know I can leave an event at anytime I often have less fear of being there. When you are treated properly, going out will not be such a big factor in our life anymore.

Many people need a safe place (such as a bedroom) or a safe person (such as a mother or spouse) to make them feel secure. This is normal.

You must also remember that although it is scary for you, it is also scary for those around you. They do not understand and do not know what to do for you. Let them know how they can help.

Some things you can do to decrease occurrence of panic attacks include not having anything with caffeine, avoiding alcohol, avoiding certain exercises (until panic is under control) as exercise often imitates panic, avoid over eating and avoid nicotine.

There are a number of websites with information on panic attacks including the American Psychological Association, Anxiety Disorders Association of America,


You can also find a list of some of the top treatment centers at Bella Online, and

Make sure you are treated properly. Do not waste 15 years of your life as I did, feeling useless and limited in life. Panic disorder is debilitating but once it is under control you can lead a normal life.

If you are having symptoms take action immediately. You and everyone who cares about you will definitely be glad you did.

Source: personal experience

Karla News

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